The SRES data sets were published by the IPCC in 2000 and classified into four different scenario families (A1, A2, B1, B2). SRES_A2 storyline describes a very heterogeneous world with the underlying theme
The SRES data sets were published by the IPCC in 2000 and classified into four different scenario families (A1, A2, B1, B2). SRES_B2 storyline describes a world in which the emphasis is on local solutions
This experiment contains model outputs from climate models at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL). This model run was made in 1989. The model was an atmosphere-ocean coupled model, run at
This experiment contains model outputs from climate models at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL). This model run was made in 1989. The model was an atmosphere-ocean coupled model, run at
The control integration, in which the atmospheric forcing is kept constant, simulates a period of 1000 years. The value of CO2 in the whole run is approximately equal to the value observed in 1958 (this
The control integration, in which the atmospheric forcing is kept constant, simulates a period of 100 years. The value of CO2 in the whole run is approximately equal to the value observed in 1958 (this
The value of CO2 increases gradually from the initial value (approximately equal to the value observed in 1958). The rate of 1% per year increase in CO2 is approximately equal to the rate of total radiative
Summary is currently not available - Data are not accessable for public use! These data represent monthly averaged surface values of selected variables for the IPCC-Data Distribution Centre. (see also )
This simulation starts CO2 and aerosol forcing at 1766 levels, runs it through the present and out to 2065. These data represent monthly averaged surface values of selected variables for the IPCC-Data
This dataset contains 6 files, one of them contains monthly, annual, and seasonal 10-year climatologies and the other five files contain monthly values for May/model year 2 through April/model year 12.
This dataset contains 6 files, one of them contains monthly, annual, and seasonal 10-year climatologies and the other five files contain monthly values for Jan/model year 3 through Dec/model year 12. For