These data include a subset of the CMIP6 input data assessed by the IPCC AR6 WGI authors for region Africa (35°W – 72°E, 58°S – 40°N). Included are 12 core variables (orog, sftlf, sftgif, psl, tas, tasmin,
These data include a subset of the CMIP6 input data assessed by the IPCC AR6 WGI authors for region Asia (26°E – 168°W, 3°N – 83°N). Included are 12 core variables (orog, sftlf, sftgif, psl, tas, tasmin,
These data include a subset of the CMIP6 input data assessed by the IPCC AR6 WGI authors for region Australia (68°E – 115°W, 58°S – 8°N). Included are 12 core variables (orog, sftlf, sftgif, psl, tas,
These data include a subset of the CMIP6 input data assessed by the IPCC AR6 WGI authors for region Europe (120°E – 70°W, 20°S – 20°N). Included are 12 core variables (orog, sftlf, sftgif, psl, tas, tasmin,
These data include a subset of the CMIP6 input data assessed by the IPCC AR6 WGI authors for region North America (170°W – 45°W, 5°N – 85°N). Included are 12 core variables (orog, sftlf, sftgif, psl, tas,
These data include a subset of the CMIP6 input data assessed by the IPCC AR6 WGI authors for region North Pole (180°W – 180°E, 60°N – 90°N). Included are 12 core variables (orog, sftlf, sftgif, psl, tas,
These data include a subset of the CMIP6 input data assessed by the IPCC AR6 WGI authors for region South America (120°W – 30°W, 58°S – 15°N). Included are 12 core variables (orog, sftlf, sftgif, psl,
These data include a subset of the CMIP6 input data assessed by the IPCC AR6 WGI authors for region South Pole (180°W – 180°E, 90°S – 57°S). Included are 12 core variables (orog, sftlf, sftgif, psl, tas,
These data include a subset of the CMIP6 input data assessed by the IPCC AR6 WGI authors for region Europe (60°W – 60°E, 30°N – 75°N). Included are 12 core variables (orog, sftlf, sftgif, psl, tas, tasmin,
If there is a need to regenerate the sea level rise projections from primary inputs, outputs from the chapter 7 two-layer model emulator have to use to drive all the surface temperature-sensitive parts
This data set contains detailed elements the sea level projections associated with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Sixth Assessment Report. In particular, it contains relative sea level projection
This data set contains detailed elements the sea level projections associated with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Sixth Assessment Report. In particular, it contains relative sea level projections
This data set contains detailed elements of the sea level projections associated with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Sixth Assessment Report. In particular, it contains relative sea level
These data sets contain the assessed Global Surface Air Temperature (GSAT) projections and all input data and instructions necessary to reproduce the assessed GSAT projections in the Intergovernmental
These data sets contain the sea level projections associated with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Sixth Assessment Report. The dataset groups contain the full set of samples for the global