Data: 3DVAR assimilation experiments with T, Q, QT, RH assimilation experiments
Data Volume : 3.5 TB
Data format: NCDF4 format
Data set : WRF model 2D and 3 D fields of T, Q, P and several other
Data analyzed for the following publications:
Bauer, H.-S., S.K. Muppa, V. Wulfmeyer, A. Behrendt, K. Warrach-Sagi, and F. Späth, 2020: Multi-nested WRF simulations for studying planetary boundary layer
Data analyszed for the following publication:
Bauer, H.-S., T. Schwitalla, V. Wulfmeyer, A. Bakhshaii, U. Ehret, M. Neuper, and O. Caumont, 2015: Quantitative precipitation estimation based on high-resolution
16 members of a multi-physics ensemble generated using the WRF-ARW model 3.8.1 model are archived. The limited-area model is centered over the Horn of Africa (Lat -1.3:19.0 °N; Lon 15.8:57.2 °E), consisting
This dataset contains the raw output of three experiments conducted with WRF Version 3.8.1 for the period 1986-2015 and performed as described in Jach et al. (2020) (
Large Eddy Simulation data produced with WRF371 for two doimans in southwestern Germany. Covers three days , the 19.08.2014 (8°E to 9°10'E and 48°35' N to 49°15' N), 15.07.2015, and the 09.06.2016 (both
This data set contains the simulation output of the latitude-belt simulations performed with the WRF model described in Schwitalla et al. (2020, GMD): The data
This data set contains the results of two WRF simulations for July and August 2013. The model domain encompasses a latitude-belt between 20° N and 65° N and WRF version 3.7.1 was applied. One simulation
This data set contains the raw simulation data for an evaluation of a WRF model physics ensemble over the Arabian Peninsula. The data set contains five different experiments (CONTROL, AERO, AERO_YSU, N_AERO_YSU,