Data analyzed for the following publications:
Bauer, H.-S., S.K. Muppa, V. Wulfmeyer, A. Behrendt, K. Warrach-Sagi, and F. Späth, 2020: Multi-nested WRF simulations for studying planetary boundary layer processes on the turbulence-permitting scale in a realistic mesoscale environment. Tellus A 72(1), 1-28. DOI:10.1080/16000870.2020.1761740 A second publication in preparation related to the following conference talk:
Muppa, S. K., A. Behrendt, H.-S. Bauer, F. Späth, R. Heinze, C. Moseley, and V. Wulfmeyer, 2018: Characterizing the turbulent higher-order moments in the convective boundary layer: Evaluation of large eddy simulations with high-resolution lidar observations. EGU General Assembly, 9 - 13 April 2018, Vienna, Austria.
The domain boundaries and time period mentioned below are for the inner domain of the nested configuration. This is the domain that is analyzed in the publications. The outer domains cover a larger domain and/or time period. For the two publications two days of the same campaign are analyzed. Publication Bauer et al., 2020 covers April 24, 2013 and the publication in preparation Muppa et al. covers April 20, 2013. Simulations were only done for the two days and not for the days in between.
Furthermore, the data entry collects all simulations done for the publications. The different simulations also have slightly different configurations covering the same core area and time period.