This archive contains the source code of ICON-ESM-V1.0, primary data, and supplementary material connected to the article “Jungclaus, J.H. et al.: The ICON Earth System Model V1.0” as submitted to the
The experiment includes the source code, compile and run scripts for ICON-ESM-V1.0 in the configuration “Ruby-0”, the initialization data for ICON-ESM-V1 in the configuration “Ruby-0”, and scripts, libraries, and input data used to produce figures.
This file contains scripts, libraries, and input data used to produce the figures of the article Jungclaus, J.H. et al.: The ICON Earth System Model V1.0. Update Version2 (March 2022) This archive contains
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology Hamburg, Germany: Licensing of the ICON-Software for Personal Non-commercial Research Purposes (Version 2.6, 2018-07-04)
This file contains scripts, libraries, and input data used to produce the figures of the article Jungclaus, J.H. et al.: The ICON Earth System Model V1.0.
Initialization data for ICON-ESM-V1.0 in the configuration “Ruby-0”. The model is run at 160 km resolution in the atmosphere and 40 km resolution in the ocean.
The dataset includes the source code, compile and run scripts for ICON-ESM-V1.0 in the configuration 'Ruby-0'. The model is run at 160 km resolution in the atmosphere and 40 km resolution in the