preindustrial Control experiment to be used in VolMIP analyses. The piControl experiment is the CMIP6-DECK piControl experiment described in Eyring et al. (2016). piControl provides initial climate states
This experiment contains the model output from a series of sensitivity simulations, called "rain", carried out with the global aerosol-climate model ECHAM6-HAM2 (model version ECHAM6.1-HAM2.2-MOZ0.9).
This experiment uses 'CMIP5 ECMWF-ERAINT reanalysis data' as forcing data for downscaling to 60km resolution by the regional model WRFV3.5.1 for the region of West Africa. The 'control'-run is a reanalysis
This experiment uses the data from the WRF60_eraint_ctrl experiment as forcing data for downscaling to 12km resolution by the regional model, WRFV3.5.1 for the region of West Africa. The 'control'-run
The purpose of the project DEKLIM-EEM is to reconstruct past interglacials based on proxy data and to understand the processes that are responsible for climatic changes during these interglacials by applying
The purpose of the project DEKLIM-EEM is to reconstruct past interglacials based on proxy data and to understand the processes that are responsible for climatic changes during these interglacials by applying
The purpose of the project DEKLIM-EEM is to reconstruct past interglacials based on proxy data and to understand the processes that are responsible for climatic changes during these interglacials by applying
The data represent 6 hourly values of pre-industrial climate simulation. Here, for the year 1860, concentrations of well mixed greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O) were prescribed. Ocean data (MPI-OM) are
The data represent monthly average values of pre-industrial climate simulation. Here, for the year 1860, concentrations of well mixed greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O) were prescribed. Ocean data (MPI-OM)
The data represent monthly avarage values of a simulation, initialized in the same year as experimnet 20C_1, with an annual CO2 increase of 1% until doubling in 1930. Between 1931 and 2080 the CO2 concentration
The data represent monthly avarage values of a simulation, initialized in the same year as experimnet 20C_2, with an annual CO2 increase of 1% until doubling in 1930. Between 1931 and 2080 the CO2 concentration
The high-resolution regional climate model from the COnsortium for Small-scale MOdelling in CLimate Mode (CCLM) is simulated at 0.11∘ (approx. 12 km) for sub-Saharan West Africa under current climate conditions.
Simulation of pre-industrial climate using COSMOS-1.2.0 (ECHAM-5.4.01+, echam5/jsbach cosmos-dev Revision 2200 +, MPIOM-1.3.1 incl. HAMOCC, PRISM-2.5, 09-Apr-2009) The coupled model was restarted in year
Oregon State University Climate Model Products for Carbon Dioxide Studies: This dataset contains climate model outputs from Oregon State University. 1xCO2. Format information is available as additional info.