Simulation period: 400 years + 110years spin down Constant external forcings (permanent 1990 GHG concentrations): Solar constant: 1365 W / m*2, CO2: 353 ppm, CH4: 1689 ppb, N2O: 307.9 ppb. Initial conditions: The simulation was initialised at the end of a 110 year spin-down control run. The spin-down control run was forced with the following constant external forcings: Solar constant: 1365 W / m*2, CO2: 353 ppm, CH4: 1689 ppb, N2O: 307.9 ppb. The spin-down run startet at the end of the so-called "Erik-the-Red" run with ECHO-G (EH4T30L19_HOPE-GL20_ETR) in 1990. Control simulation is similar to the control simulation EH4T30L19_HOPE-GL20_CTRL1990_12H, but with differnet albedo scheme - mainly different with a different description of the surface-temperature depending snow albedo over non-forested areas, according to the Roesch (2000) snow-albedo scheme. The sea-ice albedo scheme is replaced by another sea-ice albedo scheme, which is still surface temperature depending but takes into account the effect of melt ponds. For information about the new snow and sea ice albedo scheme refer to Koeltzow et al. (2003) and Koeltzow (2007). The new scheme is applied to the northern hemisphere explitly. Datasets with monthly average values are also available. Technical data to this experiment: The experiment is using ECHO-g: ECHAM4 (f90) + HOPE-g and was run on a NEC-SX (hurrikan)
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