dop_cdom_mm5_2_ct_surf: Surface level fields of the MM5 CONTROL forecast for the CDOM domain.

Bauer, Hans-Stefan et al.

The file contains the following surface level fields (lat/lon south west corner):
Fields available from the 2nd forecast step on (00:15 for CDOM, 01:00 for DDOM) are marked as '##';
Fields implemented from 19/07/2007 on are marked as '++':

- Sealevel Pressue [Pa]
- Surface Pressure [Pa]
## 10m U and V component of wind [m/s]
- Accumulated Convective Precipitation [mm since the beginning of the forecast]
## Height of the planetary boundary layer [m]
## Ground Temperature [K]
- Snow Height [...]
++ Surface Sensible and Latent Heat Flux
++ Surface SW and LW downward net radiation
++ TOA outgoing SW and LW net radiation
- Surface Geopotential [m**2/s**2]
- Height of 0 degree C level [m]
- Total cloud cover [%]
- Ground - 800 hPa cloud cover [%]
- 800 - 400 hPa cloud cover [%]
- 400 hPa to model top cloud cover [%]
## Integrated water vapour [kg/m**2]
## Integrated cloud water [kg/m**2]
## Integrated cloud ice [kg/m**2]
- Integrated total water [kg/m**2]
## 2m Specific Humidity [kg/kg]
- CAPE [J/kg]
- CIN [J/kg]
- Soil temperatures in different soil layers [K]
- Vegetation Fraction [fract.]

The following fields requested in MAP D-DPHASE Implementation Plan (see entry "dphase_implementation_plan_info") are not provided in this data set as they are no output variables of MM5.
- 2m min./max temperature
- 10m wind gust
- grid scale/ convective precipitation (rain, snow, graupel, hail) (only total precip is delivered)
- total/ grid scale precipitation rate (rain, snow, graupel, hail)
- cloud bottom/top height
- convective cloud bottom/top height
- sunshine duration
- snowfall limit
- leaf area index
- root depth
- soil moistures (all layers).
Note: In the dphase_mm5_2_4d and dphase_mm5_2_ct experiments the datasets are called CDOM and DDOM, but both cover only the CDOM region. They differ only in time resolution (DDOM 1h, CDOM 15min) not in region.
DPHASE (D-PHASE, Demonstration of Probabilistic Hydrological and Atmospheric Simulation of flood Events in the Alpine region)
COPS region (CDOM)
Additional Information
dop_mm5_2_ct_add_info_1: pdf-file with model performance info
dphase_implementation_plan_info: pdf-file with subsection (ip-3.1.3.) of MAP D-PHASE implementation plan
Spatial Coverage
Longitude 6 to 11 Latitude 47 to 50 Altitude: 0 m relativ to NN
Temporal Coverage
2007-06-01 to 2007-08-31 (calendrical)
Use constraints
For scientific use only. No commercial use allowed. Please be aware of the common COPS/GOP/D-PHASE data policy (
Data Catalog
World Data Center for Climate
Access constraints
registered users
30.89 GiB (33172860960 Byte)
GRIB1; records separated
completely archived
Creation Date
Download Permission
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Cite as
[ Derived from parent entry - See data hierarchy tab ]
Bauer, Hans-Stefan; Grzeschik, Matthias; Zus, Florian; Schwitalla, Thomas; Wulfmeyer, Volker (2009). dphase_mm5_2_ct: MM5 model forecast with 2 km horizontal resolution driven by ECMWF operational forecast run by UHOH for the MAP D-PHASE project. World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ.

One file is provided each day during the experiment
The data files for 04/07/07, 18/07/07, 02/08/07 and 28/08/07 contain only dummy files.
Testing and fine tunig during the first weeks of the experiment - consistent from 17/7/2007 on.
multiple variables
Contact typePersonORCIDOrganization


dphase_mm5_2_ct: MM5 model forecast with 2 km horizontal resolution driven by ECMWF operational forecast run by UHOH for the MAP D-PHASE project
[Entry acronym: dop_cdom_mm5_2_ct_surf] [Entry id: 2151380]