'1pctCo2' is an experiment of the CMIP5 - Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (https://pcmdi.llnl.gov/mips/cmip5). CMIP5 is meant to provide a framework for coordinated climate change experiments for the next five years and thus includes simulations for assessment in the AR5 as well as others that extend beyond the AR5. 6.1 1pctCo2 (6.1 1 percent per year CO2) - Version 1: Idealized 1% per year increase in atmospheric CO2 to quadrupling. Experiment design: https://pcmdi.llnl.gov/mips/cmip5/experiment_design.html List of output variables: https://pcmdi.llnl.gov/mips/cmip5/datadescription.html Output: time series per variable in model grid spatial resolution in netCDF format Earth System model and the simulation information: CIM repository Entry name/title of data are specified according to the Data Reference Syntax (https://pcmdi.llnl.gov/mips/cmip5/docs/cmip5_data_reference_syntax.pdf) as activity/product/institute/model/experiment/frequency/modeling realm/MIP table/ensemble member/version number/variable name/CMOR filename.nc.
[CMIP5:QualityLevel=3] [CMIP5:QualityFlag=approved by author] according to CMIP5 quality control rules http://cmip5qc.wdc-climate.de [CMIP5:DateOfQual...
[CMIP5:QualityLevel=3] [CMIP5:QualityFlag=approved by author] according to CMIP5 quality control rules http://cmip5qc.wdc-climate.de [CMIP5:DateOfQualityControl2=2012-04-11] [CMIP5:QualityControl2Comment=QC Level2 assigned at 2012-04-11 09:51:06 UTC: cfMIP data included - v20120408; QC restart (2012-04-11 07:53:22 UTC); QC Level set to QCL2_started (2012-04-10 08:38:53 UTC): additional cfMIP data in v20120408; QC Level2 assigned at 2012-04-10 07:08:20 UTC: QC L2 assignment confirmation from Seiji Yukimoto (05.04.2012)] [CMIP5:CimMetadata=No TDS CIM cross-checks applied: CIM simulation document not available] [CMIP5:DateOfQualityControl3=2015-02-18] [Quality Results:http://cera-www.dkrz.de/WDCC/CMIP5/QCResult.jsp?experiment=cmip5/output1/MRI/MRI-CGCM3/1pctCO2]