CMIP6 ScenarioMIP MOHC HadGEM3-GC31-LL ssp245 r3i1p1f3 SImon siconc gn v20200624

Good, Peter

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These data include the subset used by IPCC AR6 WGI authors of the datasets originally published in ESGF for 'CMIP6.ScenarioMIP.MOHC.HadGEM3-GC31-LL.ssp245' with the full Data Reference Syntax following the template 'mip_era.activity_id.institution_id.source_id.experiment_id.member_id.table_id.variable_id.grid_label.version'. The HadGEM3-GC3.1-N96ORCA1 climate model, released in 2016, includes the following components: aerosol: UKCA-GLOMAP-mode, atmos: MetUM-HadGEM3-GA7.1 (N96; 192 x 144 longitude/latitude; 85 levels; top level 85 km), land: JULES-HadGEM3-GL7.1, ocean: NEMO-HadGEM3-GO6.0 (eORCA1 tripolar primarily 1 deg with meridional refinement down to 1/3 degree in the tropics; 360 x 330 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-1 m), seaIce: CICE-HadGEM3-GSI8 (eORCA1 tripolar primarily 1 deg; 360 x 330 longitude/latitude). The model was run by the Met Office Hadley Centre, Fitzroy Road, Exeter, Devon, EX1 3PB, UK (MOHC) in native nominal resolutions: aerosol: 250 km, atmos: 250 km, land: 250 km, ocean: 100 km, seaIce: 100 km.
IPCC-AR6_CMIP6 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) datasets)
Spatial Coverage
Longitude 0 to 360 Latitude -90 to 90
Temporal Coverage
2015-01-16 to 2020-12-16 (gregorian)
Use constraints
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) (
Data Catalog
World Data Center for Climate
Access constraints
registered users
6.02 MiB (6311547 Byte)
completely archived
Creation Date
Future Review Date
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[ Derived from parent entry - See data hierarchy tab ]
Good, Peter (2023). IPCC DDC: MOHC HadGEM3-GC31-LL model output prepared for CMIP6 ScenarioMIP ssp245. World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ.

siconc (IPCC_DDC_AR6: 953)

Is referenced by

[1] DOI IPCC Data Distribution Centre. (2025). CMIP6 input data usage information for IPCC WGI AR6 figure 3.20. doi:10.5281/zenodo.14986355
[2] DOI IPCC Data Distribution Centre. (2025). CMIP6 input data usage information for IPCC WGI AR6 figure 3.21. doi:10.5281/zenodo.14986357
[3] DOI IPCC Data Distribution Centre. (2025). CMIP6 input data usage information for IPCC WGI AR6 figure 3.7. doi:10.5281/zenodo.14986413
[4] DOI IPCC Data Distribution Centre. (2025). CMIP6 input data usage information for IPCC WGI AR6 figure FAQ3.1.1. doi:10.5281/zenodo.14986567

Is source of

[1] IPCC. (2023). FAQ 3.1, Figure 1 | Observed warming (1850–2019) is only reproduced in simulations including human influence. In IPCC, 2023: Chapter 3.
[2] IPCC. (2023). Figure 3.20 | Mean (x-axis) and trend (y-axis) of Arctic sea ice area (SIA) in September (left) and Antarctic SIA in February (right) for 1979–2017 from CMIP5 (upper) and CMIP6 (lower) models. In IPCC, 2023: Chapter 3.
[3] IPCC. (2023). Figure 3.7 | Regression coefficients and corresponding attributable warming estimates for individual CMIP6 models. In IPCC, 2023: Chapter 3.
[4] IPCC. (2023). Figure 3.21 | Seasonal evolution of observed and simulated Arctic (left) and Antarctic (right) sea ice area (SIA) over 1979–2017. In IPCC, 2023: Chapter 3.
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[6] DOI Gillett, N.; Malinina, E. (2023). Chapter 3 of the Working Group I Contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report - data for Figure 3.7 (v20220613). doi:10.5285/392c8351349b4436923c102c558873d9
[7] DOI Malinina, E.; Min, S.; Kim, Y. (2023). Chapter 3 of the Working Group I Contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report - data for Figure 3.21 (v20220613). doi:10.5285/6f800cbda88d424cbcc59181b8b85aaa
[8] DOI Malinina, E.; Min, S.; Kim, Y. (2023). Chapter 3 of the Working Group I Contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report - data for Figure 3.20 (v20220613). doi:10.5285/becdaa43cf884c299435dc319e758f4e
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[10] IPCC. (2023). Code for Figure 3.20 of the Working Group I Contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report.
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[14] DOI Malinina, Elizaveta; Min, Seung-Ki; Yeon-Hee Kim; Gillett, Nathan. (2022). IPCC AR6 WGI - Figure 3.21. doi:10.5281/zenodo.6778259


CMIP6 ScenarioMIP MOHC HadGEM3-GC31-LL ssp245
[Entry acronym: C6SPMOHGLs245r3113SIscogn00624] [Entry id: 3922841]