CMIP6 DAMIP NOAA-GFDL GFDL-ESM4 hist-GHG r1i1p1f1 Amon tas gr1 v20180701

Horowitz, Larry W. et al.

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These data include the subset used by IPCC AR6 WGI authors of the datasets originally published in ESGF for 'CMIP6.DAMIP.NOAA-GFDL.GFDL-ESM4.hist-GHG' with the full Data Reference Syntax following the template 'mip_era.activity_id.institution_id.source_id.experiment_id.member_id.table_id.variable_id.grid_label.version'. The GFDL-ESM4 climate model, released in 2018, includes the following components: aerosol: interactive, atmos: GFDL-AM4.1 (Cubed-sphere (c96) - 1 degree nominal horizontal resolution; 360 x 180 longitude/latitude; 49 levels; top level 1 Pa), atmosChem: GFDL-ATMCHEM4.1 (full atmospheric chemistry), land: GFDL-LM4.1, landIce: GFDL-LM4.1, ocean: GFDL-OM4p5 (GFDL-MOM6, tripolar - nominal 0.5 deg; 720 x 576 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m), ocnBgchem: GFDL-COBALTv2, seaIce: GFDL-SIM4p5 (GFDL-SIS2.0, tripolar - nominal 0.5 deg; 720 x 576 longitude/latitude; 5 layers; 5 thickness categories). The model was run by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA (NOAA-GFDL) in native nominal resolutions: aerosol: 100 km, atmos: 100 km, atmosChem: 100 km, land: 100 km, landIce: 100 km, ocean: 50 km, ocnBgchem: 50 km, seaIce: 50 km.
IPCC-AR6_CMIP6 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) datasets)
Spatial Coverage
Longitude 0 to 360 Latitude -90 to 90
Temporal Coverage
1850-01-16 to 2020-12-16 (gregorian)
Use constraints
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) (
Data Catalog
World Data Center for Climate
Access constraints
registered users
227.54 MiB (238588532 Byte)
completely archived
Creation Date
Future Review Date
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Horowitz, Larry W.; John, Jasmin G.; Blanton, Chris; McHugh, Colleen; Radhakrishnan, Aparna; Rand, Kristopher; Vahlenkamp, Hans; Zadeh, Niki T.; Wilson, Chandin; Dunne, John P.; Ploshay, Jeffrey; Winton, Michael; Zeng, Yujin (2023). IPCC DDC: NOAA-GFDL GFDL-ESM4 model output prepared for CMIP6 DAMIP hist-GHG. World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ.

tas (IPCC_DDC_AR6: 1095)

Is source of

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[Entry acronym: C6DANGGFDHGr111AmtasUx80701] [Entry id: 3943980]