CMIP6 DAMIP CNRM-CERFACS CNRM-CM6-1 hist-aer r10i1p1f2 Amon tas gr v20190308

Voldoire, Aurore

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These data include the subset used by IPCC AR6 WGI authors of the datasets originally published in ESGF for 'CMIP6.DAMIP.CNRM-CERFACS.CNRM-CM6-1.hist-aer' with the full Data Reference Syntax following the template 'mip_era.activity_id.institution_id.source_id.experiment_id.member_id.table_id.variable_id.grid_label.version'. The CNRM-CM6-1 climate model, released in 2017, includes the following components: aerosol: prescribed monthly fields computed by TACTIC_v2 scheme, atmos: Arpege 6.3 (T127; Gaussian Reduced with 24572 grid points in total distributed over 128 latitude circles (with 256 grid points per latitude circle between 30degN and 30degS reducing to 20 grid points per latitude circle at 88.9degN and 88.9degS); 91 levels; top level 78.4 km), atmosChem: OZL_v2, land: Surfex 8.0c, ocean: Nemo 3.6 (eORCA1, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 294 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-1 m), seaIce: Gelato 6.1. The model was run by the CNRM (Centre National de Recherches Meteorologiques, Toulouse 31057, France), CERFACS (Centre Europeen de Recherche et de Formation Avancee en Calcul Scientifique, Toulouse 31057, France) (CNRM-CERFACS) in native nominal resolutions: aerosol: 250 km, atmos: 250 km, atmosChem: 250 km, land: 250 km, ocean: 100 km, seaIce: 100 km.
IPCC-AR6_CMIP6 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) datasets)
Spatial Coverage
Longitude 0 to 360 Latitude -90 to 90
Temporal Coverage
1850-01-16 to 2020-12-16 (gregorian)
Use constraints
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) (
Data Catalog
World Data Center for Climate
Access constraints
registered users
142.05 MiB (148953069 Byte)
completely archived
Creation Date
Future Review Date
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Voldoire, Aurore (2023). IPCC DDC: CNRM-CERFACS CNRM-CM6-1 model output prepared for CMIP6 DAMIP hist-aer. World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ.

tas (IPCC_DDC_AR6: 1095)

Is source of

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[9] DOI Gillett, N.; Malinina, E. (2023). Chapter 3 of the Working Group I Contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report - data for Figure 3.8 (v20220613). doi:10.5285/bf3d0b8a8c0d4ae19cfd994b6fef4a5c
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[Entry acronym: C6DACECC1HAr10112Amtasld90308] [Entry id: 3936049]