WOCE HYDROGRAPHIC DATA The World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) is the part od the World Climate Research Programme that will provide much needed improvements in ocean circulation models for use
The central part of the WOCE Hydrographic Programme was the one-time survey of the World Ocean. This survey was conducted along a number transoceanic sections. At each hydrographic station full-depth
ONE-TIME DATA The central part of the WOCE Hydrographic Programme was the one-time survey of the World Ocean. This survey was conducted along a number transoceanic sections. Typically, at each hydrographic
REPEAT HYDROGRAPHY DATA The repeat hydrography survey of the WOCE provided information on the temporal variability of the ocean along selected sections from several occupations in different sasons and
REPEAT HYDROGRAPHY DATA The repeat hydrography survey of the WOCE provided information on the temporal variability of the ocean along selected sections from several occupations in different sasons and