With climate change being one of the most severe challenges to Africa in the 21st century, West Africa is facing an urgent need to develop effective adaptation and mitigation measures. WASCAL (West African
This experiment uses 'CMIP5 ECMWF-ERAINT reanalysis data' as forcing data for downscaling to 60km resolution by the regional model WRFV3.5.1 for the region of West Africa. The 'control'-run is a reanalysis
This experiment (2006-2100) uses 'CMIP5 GFDL r1i1p1 rcp45' forcing data for downscaling to 60km resolution by the regional model WRFV3.5.1 for the region of West Africa. 'rcp45' is an experiment of the
This experiment uses 'CMIP5 GFDL r1i1p1 historical' forcing data for downscaling to 60km resolution by the regional model WRFV3.5.1 for the region of West Africa. 'historical' is an experiment of the CMIP5
This experiment (2006-2100) uses 'CMIP5 HadGEM2-ES r1i1p1 rcp45' forcing data for downscaling to 60km resolution by the regional model WRFV3.5.1 for the region of West Africa. 'rcp45' is an experiment
This experiment uses 'CMIP5 HadGEM2-ES r1i1p1 historical' forcing data for downscaling to 60km resolution by the regional model WRFV3.5.1 for the region of West Africa. 'historical' is an experiment of
This experiment (2006-2100) uses 'CMIP5 MPIESM r1i1p1 rcp45' forcing data for downscaling to 60km resolution by the regional model WRFV3.5.1 for the region of West Africa. 'rcp45' is an experiment of the
This experiment uses 'CMIP5 MPIESM r1i1p1 historical' forcing data for downscaling to 60km resolution by the regional model WRFV3.5.1 for the region of West Africa. 'historical' is an experiment of the
This experiment (2006-2100) uses the data from the WRF60_gfdlesm_rcp45 experiment as forcing data for downscaling to 12 km resolution by the regional model WRFV3.5.1 for the region of West Africa. 'rcp45'
This experiment uses the data from the WRF60_gfdlesm_historical experiment as forcing data for downscaling to 12 km resolution by the regional model WRFV3.5.1 for the region of West Africa. 'historical'
This experiment (2006-2100) uses the data from the WRF60_hadgem2_rcp45 experiment as forcing data for downscaling to 12km resolution by the regional model WRFV3.5.1 for the region of West Africa. 'rcp45'
This experiment uses the data from the WRF60_hadgem2_historical experiment as forcing data for downscaling to 12km resolution by the regional model WRFV3.5.1 for the region of West Africa. 'historical'
This experiment (2006-2100) uses the data from the WRF60_mpiesm_rcp45 experiment as forcing data for downscaling to 12km resolution by the regional model WRFV3.5.1 for the region of West Africa. 'rcp45'
This experiment uses the data from the WRF60_mpiesm_historical experiment as forcing data for downscaling to 12km resolution by the regional model WRFV3.5.1 for the region of West Africa. 'historical'
This experiment uses the data from the WRF60_eraint_ctrl experiment as forcing data for downscaling to 12km resolution by the regional model, WRFV3.5.1 for the region of West Africa. The 'control'-run