ECHAM5.3 Mixed Layer Ocean with 2xCO2 from 2001 to 2100. The simulation was run on a NEC-SX6 (hurrikan). Atmospheric data is stored every 6 hours. Monthly means are available, too. Related experiments
Greenhouse gas experiment (GHG) In GHG, the concentrations of the following greenhouse gases are prescribed as a function of time: CO2, CH4, N2O and several industrial gases, i.e., chlorofluorocarbons
The sulphate aerosol (direct effect) and greenhouse gas experiment (GSD): The forcing includes not only the greenhouse gas forcing described with the "greenhouse run" (GHG) but also the direct radiative
The REMO 40-year run is a high-resolution data-set for Europe on a regular latitude/longitude grid ranging from 49 W to 71 E and from 29 N to 78 N. The model run was calculated at the GKSS research centre