Continuous measurement of weather data since 1995 on several height levels up to 250 m above the ground at the Wettermast Hamburg, a 300 m broadcasting tower in Hamburg-Billwerder (Germany).
The following articles dealing with GOP data have been written and published so far. Please note: These articles have been published with free access to public, while the full copyright policies of each
Rain gauge data and also analysed fields from the diverse sources are assembled. For Berlin a high spatial resolution network combining observations by water authorities, DWD and own data is produced
Contains data from several precipitation stations that were distributed in the COPS region during the COPS period. Contributions from several european institutions are: (type of station, number of stations,
Measurement systems available at supersite H (instrument type, operating institution): Lidar, DIAL, University Hohenheim; Lidar, Raman, University Hohenheim; Lidar, Doppler, University Karlsruhe/ Forschungszentrum