The soil moisture network comprises all stations where soil moisture and soil temperature were measured during COPS. The stations were operated by different groups and differ partly concerning sensor type,
Measurement systems available at supersite V (instrument type, operating institution): TRESS Aerosol Raman lidar, CNRS, France. Full Sky Camera, CNRS, France. TRESS IR Radiometer, CNRS, France. K-band
Measurement systems available at supersite M (instrument type, operating institution): Windlidar (WiLi), Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, Leipzig, Germany. Multi-Wavelength Lidar, Leibniz
Measurement systems available at supersite S(instrument type, operating institution): Radiometer MICCY, University Bonn, Germany. Scintillometer, University Bonn, Germany. Wind Temperature Radar (WTR), FZK-IMK Karlruhe, Germany.
Measurement systems available at supersite H (instrument type, operating institution): Lidar, DIAL, University Hohenheim; Lidar, Raman, University Hohenheim; Lidar, Doppler, University Karlsruhe/ Forschungszentrum