Data from polarimetric Doppler radar POLDIRAD. This dataset contains data from PPI scans about every 10 minutes. Radar parameters are horizontal polarized reflectivity, Doppler velocity. Polarimetric radar
Data from polarimetric Doppler radar POLDIRAD. This dataset contains data from RHI scans about every 10 minutes. Most RHI scans are towards the supersites Achern (at 36 km), Hornisgrinde (at 46 km), and
This dataset contains reflectivity pictures of POLDIRAD PPI scans at 2 degree elevation about every 10 minutes. The data is provided in daily zip-files, which contain the individual pictures of every 10min
This dataset contains pictures of POLDIRAD RHI scans about every 10 minutes. The data is provided in daily zip-files, which contain the individual pictures of every 10min scans. Quicklooks and further