Timeseries of HadCRU_MLE_v1.2 are also available as text files. These timeseries include estimates of global mean surface temperature anomalies, and estimates of the impacts of sea ice concentrations and
Internal Variability Patterns of Maximum Likelihood Estimates of Temperatures using Data from the Hadley Centre and the Climate Research Unit (Version 1.2)
This dataset consists of the gridded internal variability pattern used to estimate HadCRU_MLE_v1.2 for each 5° latitude by 5° longitude grid cell of the Earth. The internal variability pattern corresponds well to the El Niño Southern Oscillation.
This dataset consists of the estimated amplification function of HadCRU_MLE_v1.2. The amplification function varies by 5° latitudinal band, surface type (open sea vs land/ice), and calendar month. The
This dataset includes global mean surface temperature anomalies for each year from 1850 to 2023. The impacts of sea ice concentrations and an internal variability pattern on surface temperature anomalies
This dataset is a mean surface temperature climatology for each calendar month and for each 5° latitude by 5° longitude grid cell of the Earth. The temperature climatology corresponds to the 1961-1990
This dataset includes local mean surface temperature anomalies for each month from 1850 to 2023 and for each 5° latitude by 5° longitude grid cell of the Earth. The impact of sea ice concentrations on
This dataset consists of the gridded land area fraction used to estimate HadCRU_MLE_v1.2 for each 5° latitude by 5° longitude grid cell of the Earth.
The land area fraction is a derivative product based
This dataset consists of model parameters used to estimate the HadCRU_MLE_v1.2 dataset. Users are encouraged to read the supporting information of the referenced journal article to fully understand the
This dataset includes global mean surface temperature anomalies for each month from 1850 to 2023. The impacts of sea ice concentrations and an internal variability pattern on surface temperature anomalies