Seasonal Water Resources Management for Semiarid Areas: Regionalized Global Data and Transfer to Practise

Seasonal Water Resources Management for Semiarid Areas: Regionalized Global Data and Transfer to Practise
GRoW-SaWaM (BMBF): The SaWaM-Project, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the "Water as a global Resource (GRoW)“ initiative, aims at the development of methods and products for improving the water management in semi-arid regions. The methodological core of the project is a model chain, where global hydrometeorological information is first adapted towards five different study regions in Brazil (Rio São Francisco Basin), Iran (Karun Basin), Sudan and Ethiopia (Tekeze-Atbara and Blue Nile Basins), Ecuador and Peru (Catamayo-Chira Basin) and West-Africa (Niger and Volta Basins). Special focus is put on the application of seasonal hydrometeorological forecasts, which give information about the precipitation or temperature to be expected during the coming months. The regionalized information is then used as driving data for hydrological and ecosystem models, which allow for the description of water-management-related parameters and aspects both in the past, but also for the coming months.

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