High Definition Clouds and Precipitation for Climate Prediction-Observations
High Definition Clouds and Precipitation for Climate Prediction-Observations
HD(CP)2 is a BMBF funded German-wide research initiative to improve our understanding of cloud and precipitation processes and their implication for climate prediction. The specific objectives for the HD(CP)2 observations team during the first and second phase of the project are as follows: Phase I Objective: To evaluate and develop encapsulations of relevant data, including statistical properties, over different spatio-temporal scales in order to enable the critical assessment of the HD(CP)2 simulations, as well as tools to enable model-data comparisons. Phase II Objective: To extend the methods of evaluation and encapsulation to a second, tropical, model domain, for which satellite remote sensing will be the primary data source. For more information see links: http://www.hdcp2.eu/Observations.2269.0.html , http://www.hdcp2.eu/