netcdf hopm_lac_dm00_l1_any_1_9012079431796557833 {
time = 2880 ;
diameter = 32 ;
velocity = 32 ;
nv = 2 ;
double lat ;
lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
lat:long_name = "Latitude of instrument location" ;
lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
double lon ;
lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
lon:long_name = "Longitude of instrument location" ;
lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
double zsl ;
zsl:standard_name = "altitude" ;
zsl:long_name = "Altitude of instrument sensor above mean sea level" ;
zsl:units = "m" ;
double time(time) ;
time:standard_name = "time" ;
time:long_name = "Unix time at start of data transfer in seconds after 00:00 UTC on 1/1/1970" ;
time:units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00" ;
time:bounds = "time_bnds" ;
time:comment = "Time on data acquisition pc at initialization of serial connection to Parsivel." ;
double interval(time) ;
interval:long_name = "Length of measurement interval" ;
interval:units = "s" ;
interval:comment = "Variable 09 - Sample interval between two data retrieval requests." ;
double time_bnds(time, nv) ;
time_bnds:comment = "Upper and lower bounds of time interval." ;
double diameter(diameter) ;
diameter:long_name = "Center diameter of precipitation particles" ;
diameter:units = "m" ;
diameter:bounds = "diameter_bnds" ;
diameter:comment = "Predefined diameter classes. Note the variable bin size." ;
double diameter_spread(diameter) ;
diameter_spread:long_name = "Width of diameter interval" ;
diameter_spread:units = "m" ;
diameter_spread:comment = "Bin size of each diameter class." ;
double diameter_bnds(diameter, nv) ;
diameter_bnds:comment = "Upper and lower bounds of diameter interval." ;
double velocity(velocity) ;
velocity:long_name = "Center fall velocity of precipitation particles" ;
velocity:units = "m s-1" ;
velocity:bounds = "velocity_bnds" ;
velocity:comment = "Predefined velocity classes. Note the variable bin size." ;
double velocity_spread(velocity) ;
velocity_spread:long_name = "Width of velocity interval" ;
velocity_spread:units = "m s-1" ;
velocity_spread:comment = "Bin size of each velocity interval." ;
double velocity_bnds(velocity, nv) ;
velocity_bnds:comment = "Upper and lower bounds of velocity interval." ;
short data_raw(time, diameter, velocity) ;
data_raw:long_name = "Raw data as a function of particle diameter and velocity" ;
data_raw:units = "1" ;
data_raw:comment = "Variable 93 - Raw data." ;
data_raw:_FillValue = -999s ;
double number_concentration(time, diameter) ;
number_concentration:long_name = "Number of precipitation particles per diameter class" ;
number_concentration:units = "log10(m-3 mm-1)" ;
number_concentration:comment = "Variable 90 - Field N (d)" ;
number_concentration:_FillValue = -9.999 ;
double fall_velocity(time, diameter) ;
fall_velocity:long_name = "Average velocity of preciptation particles of each diameter class" ;
fall_velocity:units = "m s-1" ;
fall_velocity:comment = "Variable 91 - Field v (d)" ;
fall_velocity:_FillValue = -999. ;
int n_particles(time) ;
n_particles:long_name = "Number of detected precipitation particles" ;
n_particles:units = "1" ;
n_particles:comment = "Variable 11 - Number of detected particles." ;
n_particles:_FillValue = -999 ;
double rainfall_rate(time) ;
rainfall_rate:standard_name = "rainfall_rate" ;
rainfall_rate:long_name = "Precipitation rate" ;
rainfall_rate:units = "m s-1" ;
rainfall_rate:comment = "Variable 01 - Rain intensity (32 bit) 0000.000." ;
rainfall_rate:_FillValue = -999. ;
double radar_reflectivity(time) ;
radar_reflectivity:standard_name = "equivalent_reflectivity_factor" ;
radar_reflectivity:long_name = "equivalent radar reflectivity factor" ;
radar_reflectivity:units = "dBZ" ;
radar_reflectivity:comment = "Variable 07 - Radar reflectivity (32 bit)." ;
radar_reflectivity:_FillValue = -9.999 ;
double E_kin(time) ;
E_kin:long_name = "Kinetic energy of the hydrometeors" ;
E_kin:units = "kJ" ;
E_kin:comment = "Variable 24 - kinetic Energy of hydrometeors." ;
E_kin:_FillValue = -999. ;
int vis(time) ;
vis:standard_name = "visibility_in_air" ;
vis:long_name = "Visibility range in precipitation after MOR" ;
vis:units = "m" ;
vis:comment = "Variable 08 - MOR visibility in the precipitation. Refer to the official OTT Parsivel2 Manual." ;
vis:_FillValue = -999 ;
short synop_WaWa(time) ;
synop_WaWa:long_name = "Synop Code WaWa" ;
synop_WaWa:units = "1" ;
synop_WaWa:comment = "Variable 03 - Weather code according to SYNOP wawa Table 4680." ;
synop_WaWa:_FillValue = -999s ;
short synop_WW(time) ;
synop_WW:long_name = "Synop Code WW" ;
synop_WW:units = "1" ;
synop_WW:comment = "Variable 04 - Weather code according to SYNOP ww Table 4677." ;
synop_WW:_FillValue = -999s ;
double T_sensor(time) ;
T_sensor:long_name = "Temperature in the sensor" ;
T_sensor:units = "K" ;
T_sensor:comment = "Variable 12 - Temperature in the Sensor. Refer to the official OTT Parsivel2 Manual." ;
T_sensor:_FillValue = -999. ;
double sig_laser(time) ;
sig_laser:long_name = "Signal amplitude of the laser" ;
sig_laser:units = "1" ;
sig_laser:comment = "Variable 10 - Signal amplitude of the laser strip. Refer to the official OTT Parsivel2 Manual." ;
sig_laser:_FillValue = -999. ;
short state_sensor(time) ;
state_sensor:long_name = "State of the Sensor" ;
state_sensor:units = "1" ;
state_sensor:comment = "Variable 18 - Sensor status: 0: Everything is okay. 1: Dirty but measurement possible. 2: No measurement possible. Refer to the official OTT Parsivel2 Manual." ;
state_sensor:_FillValue = -999s ;
double V_sensor(time) ;
V_sensor:long_name = "Sensor Voltage" ;
V_sensor:units = "V" ;
V_sensor:comment = "Variable 17 - Power supply voltage in the sensor. Refer to the official OTT Parsivel2 Manual." ;
V_sensor:_FillValue = -999. ;
double I_heating(time) ;
I_heating:long_name = "Heating Current" ;
I_heating:units = "A" ;
I_heating:comment = "Variable 16 - Current through the heating system. Refer to the official OTT Parsivel2 Manual." ;
I_heating:_FillValue = -999. ;
short error_code(time) ;
error_code:long_name = "Error Code" ;
error_code:units = "1" ;
error_code:comment = "Variable 25 - Error code. Refer to the official OTT Parsivel2 Manual." ;
error_code:_FillValue = -999s ;
// global attributes:
:Title = "LACROS disdrometer data" ;
:Institution = "Leibniz Institue for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), Leipzig, Germany." ;
:Contact_person = "Patric Seifert, " ;
:Source = "OTT Parsivel-2 optical disdrometer" ;
:History = "Data acquired with python script\n",
"Original data converted to hdcp2-conform netcdf via convert_parsivel2hdcp.m" ;
:Data_telegram_setting = "echo -en \"CS/M/S/%19;%20;%21;%09;%22;%23;%25;%13;%16;%17;%18;%10BREAK%01;%02;%03;%04;%07;%08;%12;%11;%24;%34BREAK%93;BREAK%90;BREAK%91;BREAK,\\r\\n\" > /dev/ttyUSB0" ;
:Dependencies = "external" ;
:Conventions = "basing on CF-1.6" ;
:Processing_date = "2017-08-31, 10:05:46" ;
:Author = "Patric Seifert, " ;
:Comments = "The Manual of the OTT Parsivel-2 can be found online at\n",
" Information about all variable numbers (given in the comment to each variable) can be found in that manual." ;
:Licence = "For non-commercial use only. This data is subject to the SAMD data\n",
"policy to be found at and in the SAMD\n",
"Observation Data Product standard. Any usage of the data should be reported to the contact person." ;
:Station_Name = "Melpitz, Germany" ;
:Date = "20130901" ;
:Sensor_ID = "291937" ;