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Data headers for 'halo_nars_mwr00_l1_tb_v00'

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ncdump -h
netcdf halo_nars_mwr00_l1_tb_v00_1_8565276337902795825 {
time = 37660 ;
freq_sb = 26 ;
double time(time) ;
time:standard_name = "time" ;
time:long_name = "time" ;
time:comments = "none" ;
time:units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC" ;
double tb(time, freq_sb) ;
tb:_FillValue = -999. ;
tb:standard_name = "tb" ;
tb:long_name = "TB" ;
tb:comments = "offsets applied to Tb in order of frequency: 4.580420512731222971 K, 5.055662580701834941 K, 4.664986073813622625 K, 3.779533557465754257 K, 4.752584757484981992 K, 0.096636106699577340 K, 1.088948833464456811 K, 2.841154981384221401 K, 2.804500708706740397 K, 1.854070814935425915 K, 0.622158270896534304 K,-0.591857635675324900 K,-1.463292642917195963 K,-0.797328280170148673 K,-3.147253424296195590 K,-3.126288520649779912 K,-1.219964928488423084 K, 1.679949502140232198 K, 0.493377365217213537 K,-7.307234676563894027 K,-4.301584771062834989 K,-2.609303279433959233 K,-0.053664349000030143 K,-0.784495499503520932 K,-0.592567915187032668 K, 0.116439069968578224 K" ;
tb:units = "K" ;
double freq_sb(freq_sb) ;
freq_sb:standard_name = "frequency" ;
freq_sb:long_name = "frequency" ;
freq_sb:comments = "none" ;
freq_sb:units = "GHz" ;
double interpolate_flag(time, freq_sb) ;
interpolate_flag:long_name = "flag indicating interpolation timesteps (1)" ;
interpolate_flag:comments = "none" ;
interpolate_flag:units = "" ;
double zsl(time) ;
zsl:standard_name = "altitude" ;
zsl:comments = "aircraft_altitude" ;
zsl:units = "m" ;
double lat(time) ;
lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
lat:comments = "aircraft_position" ;
lat:units = "deg_north" ;
double lon(time) ;
lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
lon:comments = "aircraft_position" ;
lon:units = "deg_east" ;

// global attributes:
:Title = "HAMP measurements on HALO Aircraft during NARVAL-South" ;
:Institution = "Meteorological Institute, Universitaet Hamburg; Max Planck Institute for Meteorology; Institute for Geophysics and Meteorology, University of Cologne; DLR Institute for Physics of the Atmosphere, German Aerospace Center" ;
:Contact_person = "Heike Konow (
)" ;
:Source = "HAMP radiometer" ;
:Conventions = "CF-1.6 where applicable" ;
:Processing_date = "2018-09-17 16:00:32 (CEST)" ;
:Author = "Konow, Heike; Jacob, Marek; Ament, Felix; Crewell, Susanne; Ewald, Florian; Hagen, Martin; Hirsch, Lutz; Jansen, Friedhelm; Mech, Mario; Stevens, Bjorn" ;
:Comments = "none" ;
:Licence = "Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)" ;