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Data headers for 'PCA_monthly_residual_currents'

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netcdf PCA_monthly_residual_currents_1_9038915155987923700 {
location = 12133 ;
lat_grd = 116 ;
lon_grd = 76 ;
time = 692 ;
date_len = 7 ;
float lon(location) ;
lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
lon:units = "degree_east" ;
float lat(location) ;
lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
lat:units = "degree_north" ;
float lon_grd(lon_grd) ;
lon_grd:standard_name = "longitude" ;
lon_grd:units = "degree_east" ;
float lat_grd(lat_grd) ;
lat_grd:standard_name = "latitude" ;
lat_grd:units = "degree_north" ;
float time(time) ;
time:standard_name = "time" ;
time:units = "hours since 1958-01-01 00:00:00 UTC" ;
time:calendar = "proleptic_gregorian" ;
time:time_referred_to = "15th of month, 12:00 UTC" ;
char date(time, date_len) ;
date:long_name = "year(y) and month(m)" ;
date:format = "yyyy-mm" ;
float bathymetry(location) ;
bathymetry:long_name = "sea floor depth" ;
bathymetry:standard_name = "sea_floor_depth_below_geoid" ;
bathymetry:units = "m" ;
bathymetry:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
float bathymetry_grd(lat_grd, lon_grd) ;
bathymetry_grd:long_name = "sea floor depth" ;
bathymetry_grd:standard_name = "sea_floor_depth_below_geoid" ;
bathymetry_grd:units = "m" ;
bathymetry_grd:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
float PC1(time) ;
PC1:name = "1. PC" ;
PC1:long_name = "1. Principal Component" ;
PC1:ancillary_variables = "vector (EOF1_u, EOF1_v) or its gridded counterpart (EOF1_u_grd, EOF1_v_grd)" ;
PC1:units = "m s-1" ;
PC1:variance = 7.019647f ;
PC1:explained_variance = "83.9%" ;
float EOF1_u(location) ;
EOF1_u:long_name = "1. Empirical Orthogonal Function: residual current, x-velocity" ;
EOF1_u:vector_basis = "Vector component refers to Cartesian coordinates" ;
EOF1_u:units = "1" ;
EOF1_u:scaling = "Overall vector length equals 1" ;
EOF1_u:comment = "Original output from Principal Component Analysis (only valid grid nodes included)" ;
float EOF1_u_grd(lat_grd, lon_grd) ;
EOF1_u_grd:long_name = "1. Empirical Orthogonal Function: residual current velocity, eastward component" ;
EOF1_u_grd:comment = "As component EOF1_u but interpolated/rotated to lon-lat grid (e.g. for plotting)" ;
EOF1_u_grd:vector_basis = "Vector component refers to geographical coordinates" ;
EOF1_u_grd:scaling = "Original vector length 1 not preserved by interpolation" ;
EOF1_u_grd:units = "1" ;
EOF1_u_grd:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
float EOF1_v(location) ;
EOF1_v:long_name = "1. Empirical Orthogonal Function: residual current, y-velocity" ;
EOF1_v:vector_basis = "Vector component refers to Cartesian coordinates" ;
EOF1_v:units = "1" ;
EOF1_v:scaling = "Overall vector length equals 1" ;
EOF1_v:comment = "Original output from Principal Component Analysis (only valid grid nodes included)" ;
float EOF1_v_grd(lat_grd, lon_grd) ;
EOF1_v_grd:long_name = "1. Empirical Orthogonal Function: residual current velocity, northward component" ;
EOF1_v_grd:comment = "As component EOF1_u but interpolated/rotated to lon-lat grid (e.g. for plotting)" ;
EOF1_v_grd:vector_basis = "Vector component refers to geographical coordinates" ;
EOF1_v_grd:scaling = "Original vector length 1 not preserved by interpolation" ;
EOF1_v_grd:units = "1" ;
EOF1_v_grd:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
float PC2(time) ;
PC2:name = "2. PC" ;
PC2:long_name = "2. Principal Component" ;
PC2:ancillary_variables = "vector (EOF2_u, EOF2_v) or its gridded counterpart (EOF2_u_grd, EOF2_v_grd)" ;
PC2:units = "m s-1" ;
PC2:variance = 1.008126f ;
PC2:explained_variance = "12.0%" ;
float EOF2_u(location) ;
EOF2_u:long_name = "2. Empirical Orthogonal Function: residual current, x-velocity" ;
EOF2_u:vector_basis = "Vector component refers to Cartesian coordinates" ;
EOF2_u:units = "1" ;
EOF2_u:scaling = "Overall vector length equals 1" ;
EOF2_u:comment = "Original output from Principal Component Analysis (only valid grid nodes included)" ;
float EOF2_u_grd(lat_grd, lon_grd) ;
EOF2_u_grd:long_name = "2. Empirical Orthogonal Function: residual current velocity, eastward component" ;
EOF2_u_grd:comment = "As component EOF2_u but interpolated/rotated to lon-lat grid (e.g. for plotting)" ;
EOF2_u_grd:vector_basis = "Vector component refers to geographical coordinates" ;
EOF2_u_grd:scaling = "Original vector length 1 not preserved by interpolation" ;
EOF2_u_grd:units = "1" ;
EOF2_u_grd:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
float EOF2_v(location) ;
EOF2_v:long_name = "2. Empirical Orthogonal Function: residual current, y-velocity" ;
EOF2_v:vector_basis = "Vector component refers to Cartesian coordinates" ;
EOF2_v:units = "1" ;
EOF2_v:scaling = "Overall vector length equals 1" ;
EOF2_v:comment = "Original output from Principal Component Analysis (only valid grid nodes included)" ;
float EOF2_v_grd(lat_grd, lon_grd) ;
EOF2_v_grd:long_name = "2. Empirical Orthogonal Function: residual current velocity, northward component" ;
EOF2_v_grd:comment = "As component EOF2_u but interpolated/rotated to lon-lat grid (e.g. for plotting)" ;
EOF2_v_grd:vector_basis = "Vector component refers to geographical coordinates" ;
EOF2_v_grd:scaling = "Original vector length 1 not preserved by interpolation" ;
EOF2_v_grd:units = "1" ;
EOF2_v_grd:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
float PC3(time) ;
PC3:name = "3. PC" ;
PC3:long_name = "3. Principal Component" ;
PC3:ancillary_variables = "vector (EOF3_u, EOF3_v) or its gridded counterpart (EOF3_u_grd, EOF3_v_grd)" ;
PC3:units = "m s-1" ;
PC3:variance = 0.1407609f ;
PC3:explained_variance = "1.7%" ;
float EOF3_u(location) ;
EOF3_u:long_name = "3. Empirical Orthogonal Function: residual current, x-velocity" ;
EOF3_u:vector_basis = "Vector component refers to Cartesian coordinates" ;
EOF3_u:units = "1" ;
EOF3_u:scaling = "Overall vector length equals 1" ;
EOF3_u:comment = "Original output from Principal Component Analysis (only valid grid nodes included)" ;
float EOF3_u_grd(lat_grd, lon_grd) ;
EOF3_u_grd:long_name = "3. Empirical Orthogonal Function: residual current velocity, eastward component" ;
EOF3_u_grd:comment = "As component EOF3_u but interpolated/rotated to lon-lat grid (e.g. for plotting)" ;
EOF3_u_grd:vector_basis = "Vector component refers to geographical coordinates" ;
EOF3_u_grd:scaling = "Original vector length 1 not preserved by interpolation" ;
EOF3_u_grd:units = "1" ;
EOF3_u_grd:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
float EOF3_v(location) ;
EOF3_v:long_name = "3. Empirical Orthogonal Function: residual current, y-velocity" ;
EOF3_v:vector_basis = "Vector component refers to Cartesian coordinates" ;
EOF3_v:units = "1" ;
EOF3_v:scaling = "Overall vector length equals 1" ;
EOF3_v:comment = "Original output from Principal Component Analysis (only valid grid nodes included)" ;
float EOF3_v_grd(lat_grd, lon_grd) ;
EOF3_v_grd:long_name = "3. Empirical Orthogonal Function: residual current velocity, northward component" ;
EOF3_v_grd:comment = "As component EOF3_u but interpolated/rotated to lon-lat grid (e.g. for plotting)" ;
EOF3_v_grd:vector_basis = "Vector component refers to geographical coordinates" ;
EOF3_v_grd:scaling = "Original vector length 1 not preserved by interpolation" ;
EOF3_v_grd:units = "1" ;
EOF3_v_grd:_FillValue = -9999.f ;

// global attributes:
:title = "PCA of monthly mean residual currents" ;
:long_title = "Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of monthly mean, vertically averaged current velocities" ;
:period_covered = "Jan 1958 - Aug 2015" ;
:creation_date = "2016-01-18 10:30" ;
:Git_tag = "v9.0.0" ;
:underlying_hydrodynamic_simulations = "doi: 10.1594/WDCC/coastDat-2_TRIM-NP-2d" ;
:time_resolution_of_underlying_hydrodynamic_simulations = "hourly" ;
:selected_spatial_domain = "German Bight" ;
:sector_boundary_west = "6 degrees" ;
:sector_boundary_east = "9 degrees" ;
:sector_boundary_south = "53.3 degrees" ;
:sector_boundary_north = "55.6 degrees" ;
:reformatted_date = "2016-02-05 17:50" ;
:reformatted_Git_tag = "v9.3.1" ;
:Conventions = "CF-1.4" ;
:conventionsURL = "" ;
:institution = "Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Centre for Materials and Coastal Research, 21502 Geesthacht, Germany" ;
:references = "" ;
:contact = "
" ;