netcdf NOxAdvectionMaps_1_8209813506707345090 { dimensions: lat = 4880 ; lon = 14400 ; variables: double lat(lat) ; lat:_FillValue = NaN ; double lon(lon) ; lon:_FillValue = NaN ; double adv_corr(lat, lon) ; adv_corr:_FillValue = NaN ; adv_corr:units = "microgram / meter ** 2 / second" ; adv_corr:long_name = "Advection of NOx (corrected for topography)" ; adv_corr:title = "Temporal mean advection of NOx, i.e. the spatial gradient multiplied with horizontal wind vector, corrected for topographic effects. For details, see Beirle et al., 2023, ESSD. - link to be added -" ; adv_corr:contact = "