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Data headers for 'MitrasWindTracerFields'

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netcdf MitrasWindTracerFields_1_6214583368288518155 {
time = UNLIMITED ; // (12 currently)
k = 77 ;
j = 783 ;
i = 737 ;
nv = 2 ;
nsfccl = 13 ;
float P_total(time, k, j, i) ;
P_total:_FillValue = -999.f ;
P_total:long_name = "total air pressure" ;
P_total:standard_name = "air_pressure" ;
P_total:structure = "3400" ;
P_total:units = "Pa" ;
P_total:cell_methods = "time: point k: j: i: mean" ;
P_total:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
P_total:grid_mapping = "crs" ;
float ahoru(time, k, j, i) ;
ahoru:_FillValue = -999.f ;
ahoru:long_name = "horizontal exchange coefficient for momentum" ;
ahoru:structure = "6001" ;
ahoru:units = "m2 s-1" ;
ahoru:cell_methods = "time: point k: j: i: mean" ;
ahoru:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
ahoru:grid_mapping = "crs" ;
ahoru:comment = "horizontal exchange coefficient for momentum/TKE" ;
float averu(time, k, j, i) ;
averu:_FillValue = -999.f ;
averu:long_name = "vertical exchange coefficient for momentum" ;
averu:structure = "6000" ;
averu:units = "m2 s-1" ;
averu:cell_methods = "time: point k: j: i: mean" ;
averu:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
averu:grid_mapping = "crs" ;
averu:comment = "vertical exchange coefficient for momentum/TKE" ;
float building_mask(time, k, j, i) ;
building_mask:_FillValue = -999.f ;
building_mask:long_name = "building mask" ;
building_mask:structure = "1010" ;
building_mask:units = "1" ;
building_mask:cell_methods = "time: point k: j: i: mean" ;
building_mask:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
building_mask:grid_mapping = "crs" ;
float conc01(time, k, j, i) ;
conc01:_FillValue = -999.f ;
conc01:structure = "8001" ;
conc01:cell_methods = "time: point k: j: i: mean" ;
conc01:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
conc01:long_name = "concentration of pm10" ;
conc01:standard_name = "mass_concentration_of_pm10_ambient_aerosol_particles_in_air" ;
conc01:units = "kg m-3" ;
conc01:grid_mapping = "crs" ;
int crs ;
crs:grid_mapping_name = "transverse_mercator" ;
crs:scale_factor_at_central_merdian = 0.9996 ;
crs:longitude_of_central_meridian = 9. ;
crs:false_easting = 500000. ;
crs:semi_major_axis = 6378137. ;
crs:inverse_flattening = 298.257223563 ;
crs:epsg_code = "EPSG:32632" ;
float fzdl(time, j, i) ;
fzdl:_FillValue = -999.f ;
fzdl:long_name = "stability value" ;
fzdl:structure = "6502" ;
fzdl:units = "1" ;
fzdl:cell_methods = "time: point j: i: mean" ;
fzdl:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
fzdl:grid_mapping = "crs" ;
fzdl:comment = "The Monin Obukhov Stability parameter is a dimensionless length parameter used in boundary layer meteorology to parameterize fluxes in the surface layer. It defined as the ratio of the reference (measurement) height (z) and the Obukhov length scale (L). Reference: Srivastava et al. 2017," ;
float i(i) ;
i:_FillValue = NaNf ;
i:long_name = "i position" ;
i:axis = "X" ;
i:units = "m" ;
i:bounds = "i_bnds" ;
i:comment = "cartesian coordinates in x direction " ;
double i_bnds(i, nv) ;
float j(j) ;
j:_FillValue = NaNf ;
j:long_name = "j position" ;
j:axis = "Y" ;
j:units = "m" ;
j:bounds = "j_bnds" ;
j:comment = "cartesian coordinates in y direction " ;
double j_bnds(j, nv) ;
double k(k) ;
k:_FillValue = NaN ;
k:long_name = "k position" ;
k:axis = "Z" ;
k:positive = "up" ;
k:units = "m" ;
k:bounds = "k_bnds" ;
k:comment = "cartesian coordinates in z direction " ;
double k_bnds(k, nv) ;
double lat(j, i) ;
lat:_FillValue = NaN ;
lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
double lon(j, i) ;
lon:_FillValue = NaN ;
lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
float rhosum(time, k, j, i) ;
rhosum:_FillValue = -999.f ;
rhosum:long_name = "total air density" ;
rhosum:standard_name = "air_density" ;
rhosum:structure = "4003" ;
rhosum:units = "kg m-3" ;
rhosum:cell_methods = "time: point k: j: i: mean" ;
rhosum:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
float surfra(nsfccl, j, i) ;
surfra:_FillValue = -999.f ;
surfra:long_name = "surface class" ;
surfra:standard_name = "area_fraction" ;
surfra:structure = "0019" ;
surfra:cell_methods = "j: i: mean" ;
surfra:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
surfra:grid_mapping = "crs" ;
float time(time) ;
time:_FillValue = NaNf ;
time:axis = "T" ;
time:standard_name = "time" ;
time:long_name = "time" ;
time:units = "seconds since 2000-06-21" ;
time:calendar = "standard" ;
float tket(time, k, j, i) ;
tket:_FillValue = -999.f ;
tket:structure = "6050" ;
tket:units = "m2 s-2" ;
tket:cell_methods = "time: point k: j: i: mean" ;
tket:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
tket:long_name = "turbulent kinetic energy deviation" ;
tket:grid_mapping = "crs" ;
float tstern(time, j, i) ;
tstern:_FillValue = -999.f ;
tstern:long_name = "temperature scaling value" ;
tstern:structure = "6501" ;
tstern:units = "K" ;
tstern:cell_methods = "time: point j: i: mean" ;
tstern:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
tstern:grid_mapping = "crs" ;
float ustern(time, j, i) ;
ustern:_FillValue = -999.f ;
ustern:long_name = "friction velocity" ;
ustern:structure = "6500" ;
ustern:units = "m s-1" ;
ustern:cell_methods = "time: point j: i: mean" ;
ustern:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
ustern:grid_mapping = "crs" ;
float x_utm(j, i) ;
x_utm:_FillValue = NaNf ;
x_utm:long_name = "easting" ;
x_utm:standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate" ;
x_utm:units = "m" ;
x_utm:comment = "UTM coordinates in x direction " ;
x_utm:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
float x_wind(time, k, j, i) ;
x_wind:_FillValue = -999.f ;
x_wind:long_name = "x-wind" ;
x_wind:standard_name = "x_wind" ;
x_wind:structure = "2003" ;
x_wind:units = "m s-1" ;
x_wind:cell_methods = "time: point k: j: i: mean" ;
x_wind:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
x_wind:grid_mapping = "crs" ;
float y_utm(j, i) ;
y_utm:_FillValue = NaNf ;
y_utm:long_name = "northing" ;
y_utm:standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate" ;
y_utm:units = "m" ;
y_utm:comment = "UTM coordinates in y direction " ;
y_utm:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
float y_wind(time, k, j, i) ;
y_wind:_FillValue = -999.f ;
y_wind:long_name = "y-wind" ;
y_wind:standard_name = "y_wind" ;
y_wind:structure = "2103" ;
y_wind:units = "m s-1" ;
y_wind:cell_methods = "time: point k: j: i: mean" ;
y_wind:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
y_wind:grid_mapping = "crs" ;
float z_wind(time, k, j, i) ;
z_wind:_FillValue = -999.f ;
z_wind:long_name = "z-wind" ;
z_wind:standard_name = "upward_air_velocity" ;
z_wind:structure = "2200" ;
z_wind:units = "m s-1" ;
z_wind:cell_methods = "time: point k: j: i: mean" ;
z_wind:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
z_wind:grid_mapping = "crs" ;

// global attributes:
:comment = "This dataset has been prepared for publication within the AtMoDat project, which is funded in the framework of \"Forschungsvorhaben zur Entwicklung und Erprobung von Kurationskriterien und Qualitaetsstandards von Forschungsdaten\" by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research." ;
string :contact = "David Grawe, Meteorologisches Insitut (MI) Universität Hamburg (UHH),
, ORCID:" ;
:Conventions = "CF-1.8 ATMODAT-3.0" ;
:creator = "Vivien Voss, Meteorologisches Institut (MI), Universitaet Hamburg (UHH),
, ORCHID:" ;
:frequency = "300sPt" ;
:geospatial_lat_resolution = "2.5 m" ;
:geospatial_lon_resolution = "2.5 m" ;
:geospatial_vertical_resolution = "5 m" ;
:institution = "Meteorologisches Institut, Universitaet Hamburg" ;
:institution_id = "" ;
:keywords_vocabulary = "GCMD, GCMD, None, GeoNames" ;
:license = "CC BY 4.0" ;
:processing_level = "Model output, adapted to be conformant with the ATMODAT standard version 3.0" ;
:product_version = "1.0" ;
:program = "AtMoDat" ;
:project = "UNI_HH_MI_MEMI" ;
:realm = "atmos" ;
:references = "Ganske et al. (2021) ATMODAT Standard (v3.0), doi:; Salim et al. (2018) The microscale obstacle-resolving meteorological model MITRAS v2.0: model theory, doi:; Salim et al. (2015) Including trees in the numerical simulations of the wind flow in urban areas: Should we care?, doi:; Schluenzen et al. (2018) Technical Documentation of the Multiscale Model System M-SYS," ;
:source = "MITRAS ver2 rev471a5b5" ;
:standard_name_vocabulary = "CF Standard Name Table v78" ;
:summary = "This dataset contains the model output of a simulation by the microscale obstacle resolving model MITRAS (Salim et al., 2018; Schluenzen et al., 2018). The aim of this simulation was to create an obstacle resolving model (ORM) dataset to test and apply the newly established AtMoDat standard (Ganske et al., 2021) on ORM data, as a part of the AtMoDat project (see: The simulation results show the distribution of passive tracer and wind field within the city center of Hamburg, Germany. Emitted tracer represent particulate matter (pm10), emitted from green spaces in the city center. Only dynamical effects are calculated in this simulation. The model domain covers an area of 1000x1000x8000 m, using a non-equidistant grid with an spatial resolution of 2.5 m in horizontal and 5 m in vertical direction with increasing grid cell size towards the model boundaries. Information about the location and height of the obstacles are provided within the dataset. The model domain is based on the study of Salim et al., (2015). The simulation covers one hour model time, starting at 4 am model time, with a temporal resolution of 5 minutes. This dataset contains a selection of output variables, control variables are not included. Model Settings: passive Tracer emission; no diurnal cycle; stable stratification; low wind speed (u,v = 3 m/s, 0 m/s)" ;
:title = "Wind field and tracer distribution in Hamburg, Germany " ;
:geospatial_bounds = "POLYGON (( 84 6, 84 12, 0 12, 0 6, 84 6))" ;
:geospatial_bounds_crs = "EPSG:32632" ;
:NCO = "netCDF Operators version 5.0.6 (Homepage =, Code =" ;
:history = "Wed Nov 16 16:43:25 2022: ncks -d k,0,76\nWed Nov 16 16:39:12 2022: ncks -x -v ff,dd,yzsurf,zqvsum\nMon Nov 14 2022: data created with with m2cdf \nMon Apr 04 2023: data standardised with" ;
:creation_date = "2022-01-13" ;
:metadata_link = "" ;