netcdf MIM561MAApradju111v120710_1_8500191975200180869 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (120 currently) lat = 128 ; lon = 256 ; bnds = 2 ; variables: double time(time) ; time:bounds = "time_bnds" ; time:units = "days since 1962-1-1" ; time:calendar = "gregorian" ; time:axis = "T" ; time:long_name = "time" ; time:standard_name = "time" ; double time_bnds(time, bnds) ; double lat(lat) ; lat:bounds = "lat_bnds" ; lat:units = "degrees_north" ; lat:axis = "Y" ; lat:long_name = "latitude" ; lat:standard_name = "latitude" ; double lat_bnds(lat, bnds) ; double lon(lon) ; lon:bounds = "lon_bnds" ; lon:units = "degrees_east" ; lon:axis = "X" ; lon:long_name = "longitude" ; lon:standard_name = "longitude" ; double lon_bnds(lon, bnds) ; float prAdjust(time, lat, lon) ; prAdjust:standard_name = "precipitation_flux" ; prAdjust:long_name = "Bias-Corrected Precipitation" ; prAdjust:comment = "The bias corrected field is obtained as following: Y\'jt = Yjt * (<X>*D2t + E)/(<Y>*D1t+E). The Yjt and Y\'jt are the prediction and it\'s bias corrected field, respectively. The model climatology <Y> is the 1979-2000 mean in the historical run (r1i1p1). The observational climatology <X> is taken from the 1979-2000 mean in the CPC Merged Analysis of Precipitation Enhanced and linearly interpolated into the model Gaussian grid. The Dt (Dt = D1t/D2t) is the monthly model drift estimated from the ratio between 6-member ensemble mean predictions (D1t) and the 2-member ensemble of assimilations (D2t) averaged over 41 cases (from 1961 to 2001 by ever year): D1t=SUM(Yjt) and D2t=SUM(Zt), where Zt is the assimilation corresponding to the time t. The E is a small value (E=0.000001 [mm/day]) to avoid a computational inflation., CMIP5_table_comment: at surface; includes both liquid and solid phases from all types of clouds (both large-scale and convective)" ; prAdjust:units = "kg m-2 s-1" ; prAdjust:original_name = "PRCP" ; prAdjust:original_units = "kg/m**2/s" ; prAdjust:history = "2012-02-03T08:02:32Z altered by CMOR: Converted units from \'kg/m**2/s\' to \'kg m-2 s-1\'. 2012-02-03T08:02:32Z altered by CMOR: replaced missing value flag (-999) with standard missing value (1e+20). 2012-02-03T08:02:32Z altered by CMOR: Inverted axis: lat." ; prAdjust:cell_methods = "time: mean" ; prAdjust:cell_measures = "area: areacella" ; prAdjust:missing_value = 1.e+20f ; prAdjust:_FillValue = 1.e+20f ; prAdjust:associated_files = "baseURL: gridspecFile: areacella:" ; // global attributes: :institution = "AORI (Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, Chiba, Japan), NIES (National Institute for Environmental Studies, Ibaraki, Japan), JAMSTEC (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Kanagawa, Japan)" ; :institute_id = "MIROC" ; :experiment_id = "decadal1961" ; :source = "MIROC5 2010 atmosphere: MIROC-AGCM6 (T85L40); ocean: COCO (COCO4.5, 256x224 L50); sea ice: COCO (COCO4.5); land: MATSIRO (MATSIRO, L6); aerosols: SPRINTARS (SPRINTARS 5.00, T85L40)" ; :model_id = "MIROC5" ; :forcing = "GHG, SA, Oz, LU, Sl, Vl, SS, Ds, BC, MD, OC (GHG includes CO2, N2O, methane, and fluorocarbons; Oz includes OH and H2O2; LU excludes change in lake fraction)" ; :parent_experiment_id = "N/A" ; :parent_experiment_rip = "N/A" ; :branch_time = 0. ; :contact = "Masahiro Watanabe (