netcdf LUT_for_WDC_I_ds_1_1666201910795130857 {
apig = 10 ;
aratio = 3 ;
wvl = 630 ;
sal = 2 ;
aza = 25 ;
vza = 9 ;
sza = 9 ;
btot = 10 ;
adg = 10 ;
bratio = 3 ;
double sal(sal) ;
sal:units = "g kg-1" ;
sal:standard_name = "sea_water_absolute_salinity" ;
double sza(sza) ;
sza:units = "degrees" ;
sza:standard_name = "solar_zenith_angle" ;
double apig(apig) ;
apig:units = "m-1" ;
apig:long_name = "chlorophyll-a pigment related sea_water absorption" ;
double wavelength(wvl) ;
wavelength:units = "1e-9 m" ;
wavelength:long_name = "wavelength" ;
double aratio(aratio) ;
aratio:units = "m-1" ;
aratio:long_name = "ratio of detritus to CDOM related sea_water absorption" ;
double aza(aza) ;
aza:units = "degrees" ;
aza:standard_name = "platform_azimuth_angle" ;
double vza(vza) ;
vza:units = "degrees" ;
vza:standard_name = "platform_zenith_angle" ;
double bratio(bratio) ;
bratio:units = "1" ;
bratio:long_name = "ratio of big (white) to small (blue) scatterer" ;
double btot(btot) ;
btot:units = "m-1" ;
btot:long_name = "total volume_scattering_coefficient_in_sea_water" ;
double data(wvl, sza, vza, aza, sal, apig, adg, aratio, btot, bratio) ;
data:long_name = "sea_surface remote-sensing-reflectance" ;
double adg(adg) ;
adg:units = "m-1" ;
adg:long_name = "detritus and CDOM related sea_water absorption" ;
// global attributes:
:Conventions = "CF-1.6" ;
:lutshape = "(630, 9, 9, 25, 2, 10, 10, 3, 10, 3)" ;
:title = "LUT including MOMO simulated remote sensing reflectances in dependency of IOPs for 390 to 1020 nmLUT including MOMO simulated remote sensing reflectances in dependency of IOPs for 390 to 1020 nmLUT including MOMO simulated remote sensing reflectances in dependency of IOPs for 390 to 1020 nm" ;
:institution = "Institut of Space Sciences, FU Berlin" ;
:source = "MOMO45" ;
:references = "Fell and Fischer (2001),Hollstein and Fischer (2012)" ;
:history = "Tue Jun 13 11:26:34 2017: ncatted -O -a history,global,d,c," ;