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Data headers for 'LUC_hist_landCovChange_v1.0_af'

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netcdf LUC_hist_landCovChange_v1.0_af_1_38569791546183366 {
time = UNLIMITED ; // (10 currently)
lon = 1400 ;
lat = 630 ;
lctype = 16 ;
double time(time) ;
time:standard_name = "time" ;
time:units = "months since 1950-1-1 12:00:00" ;
time:calendar = "proleptic_gregorian" ;
time:axis = "T" ;
double lon(lon) ;
lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
lon:long_name = "longitude coordinate" ;
lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
lon:axis = "X" ;
double lat(lat) ;
lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
lat:long_name = "latitude coordinate" ;
lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
lat:axis = "Y" ;
double lctype(lctype) ;
lctype:long_name = "Plant Functional Types and Non-Vegetative Classes" ;
lctype:axis = "Z" ;
lctype:short_name = "land_cover_type" ;
float landCoverFrac(time, lctype, lat, lon) ;
landCoverFrac:standard_name = "area_fraction" ;
landCoverFrac:long_name = "Percentage of Area by Vegetation or Land-Cover Category" ;
landCoverFrac:units = "1" ;
landCoverFrac:_FillValue = -9.e+33f ;
landCoverFrac:missing_value = -9.e+33f ;

// global attributes:
:CDI = "Climate Data Interface version 1.9.8 (" ;
:Conventions = "CF-1.6" ;
:history = "Wed Apr 28 15:41:24 2021: cdo selyear,1950/1959 ../DATA/WDCC/LUCAS_LUC_v1.0_historical/ ../DATA/WDCC/LUCAS_LUC_v1.0_historical/\n",
"Wed Apr 28 15:39:57 2021: cdo setctomiss,-9.e+20 -setmisstoc,-9.e+20 -settunits,1mon -setreftime,1950-01-01,12:00:00 -setzaxis,z_des -merge ../DATA/WDCC/LUCAS_LUC_v1.0_historical/ ../DATA/WDCC/LUCAS_LUC_v1.0_historical/ ../DATA/WDCC/LUCAS_LUC_v1.0_historical/ ../DATA/WDCC/LUCAS_LUC_v1.0_historical/ ../DATA/WDCC/LUCAS_LUC_v1.0_historical/ ../DATA/WDCC/LUCAS_LUC_v1.0_historical/ ../DATA/WDCC/LUCAS_LUC_v1.0_historical/ ../DATA/WDCC/LUCAS_LUC_v1.0_historical/ ../DATA/WDCC/LUCAS_LUC_v1.0_historical/ ../DATA/WDCC/LUCAS_LUC_v1.0_historical/ ../DATA/WDCC/LUCAS_LUC_v1.0_historical/ ../DATA/WDCC/LUCAS_LUC_v1.0_historical/ ../DATA/WDCC/LUCAS_LUC_v1.0_historical/ ../DATA/WDCC/LUCAS_LUC_v1.0_historical/ ../DATA/WDCC/LUCAS_LUC_v1.0_historical/ ../DATA/WDCC/LUCAS_LUC_v1.0_historical/ ../DATA/WDCC/LUCAS_LUC_v1.0_historical/\n",
"Wed Apr 28 15:39:15 2021: cdo setlevel,1 -chname,var801,landCoverFrac -selvar,var801 ../DATA/LUCAS_LUC/ ../DATA/WDCC/LUCAS_LUC_v1.0_historical/\n",
"Thu Apr 15 23:10:00 2021: cdo -f nc setgrid,grid_reg01_Europe -settime,12:00:00 -setctomiss,-999 ../DATA/LUCAS_LUC/LUCAS_LUC3_ESACCI_LUH2_historical_1950_2015_reg01_Europe_irri_mcg2.srv ../DATA/LUCAS_LUC/" ;
:source = "Land cover classes derived from ESA-CCI land cover dataset for the year 2015. Land use change information taken from LUH_v2h dataset and forest type data from McGrath et al. (2015)." ;
:institution = "Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Climate Service Center Germany" ;
:title = "LUCAS LUC historical land use and land cover change dataset" ;
:authors = "P. Hoffmann, V. Reinhart, D. Rechid" ;
:institution_id = "GERICS" ;
:references = "Hoffmann et al. submitted to ESSD" ;
:version = "1.0" ;
:region = "Europe" ;
:comments = "comments=\"The LUCAS LUC historical dataset consists of annual land use and land cover maps from 1950 to 2015. It is based on land cover data from the LANDMATE PFT dataset that was generated from ESA-CCI LC data. The ESA-CCI LC land cover classes are converted into 16 plant functional types and non-vegetated classes employing the method of Reinhart et al. (2021). The land use change information from the Land-Use Harmonization Data Set version 2 (LUH2 v2h, Hurtt et al. 2020) were imposed using the land use translator developed by Hoffmann et al. (2021). For each year, a map is provided that contains 16 fields. Each field holds the fraction the respective plant functional types and non-vegetated classes in the total grid cell (0-1). The LUCAS LUC dataset was constructed within the HICSS project LANDMATE and the WCRP flagship pilot study LUCAS to meet the requirements of downscaling experiments within EURO-CORDEX. \n",
"Plant functional types and non-vegetated classes\n",
"1 - Tropical broadleaf evergreen trees\n",
"2 - Tropical deciduous trees\n",
"3 - Temperate broadleaf evergreen trees\n",
"4 - Temperate deciduous trees\n",
"5 - Evergreen coniferous trees\n",
"6 - Deciduous coniferous trees\n",
"7 - Coniferous shrubs\n",
"8 - Deciduous shrubs\n",
"9 - C3 grass\n",
"10 - C4 grass\n",
"11 - Tundra\n",
"12 - Swamp\n",
"13 - Non-irrigated crops\n",
"14 - Irrigated crops\n",
"15 - Urban\n",
"16 - Bare" ;
:CDO = "Climate Data Operators version 1.9.8 (" ;