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Data headers for 'IPILhm3L3mrsos116v120804'

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netcdf IPILhm3L3mrsos116v120804_1_16246423074785050 {
time = UNLIMITED ; // (146000 currently)
lat = 96 ;
lon = 96 ;
bnds = 2 ;
double time(time) ;
time:units = "days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00" ;
time:calendar = "noleap" ;
time:axis = "T" ;
time:long_name = "time" ;
time:standard_name = "time" ;
double lat(lat) ;
lat:bounds = "lat_bnds" ;
lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
lat:axis = "Y" ;
lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
double lat_bnds(lat, bnds) ;
double lon(lon) ;
lon:bounds = "lon_bnds" ;
lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
lon:axis = "X" ;
lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
double lon_bnds(lon, bnds) ;
double depth ;
depth:units = "m" ;
depth:axis = "Z" ;
depth:positive = "down" ;
depth:long_name = "depth" ;
depth:standard_name = "depth" ;
depth:bounds = "depth_bnds" ;
double depth_bnds(bnds) ;
float mrsos(time, lat, lon) ;
mrsos:standard_name = "moisture_content_of_soil_layer" ;
mrsos:long_name = "Moisture in Upper Portion of Soil Column" ;
mrsos:comment = "the mass of water in all phases in a thin surface soil layer." ;
mrsos:units = "kg m-2" ;
mrsos:original_name = "mrsos" ;
mrsos:cell_methods = "time: point (interval: 30 minutes) area: mean where land" ;
mrsos:cell_measures = "area: areacella" ;
mrsos:history = "2012-05-21T13:35:16Z altered by CMOR: Treated scalar dimension: \'depth\'. 2012-05-21T13:35:16Z altered by CMOR: replaced missing value flag (9.96921e+36) with standard missing value (1e+20). 2012-05-21T13:35:56Z altered by CMOR: Inverted axis: lat." ;
mrsos:coordinates = "depth" ;
mrsos:missing_value = 1.e+20f ;
mrsos:_FillValue = 1.e+20f ;
mrsos:associated_files = "baseURL: gridspecFile: areacella:" ;

// global attributes:
:institution = "IPSL (Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris, France)" ;
:institute_id = "IPSL" ;
:experiment_id = "historicalMisc" ;
:source = "IPSL-CM5A-LR (2010) : atmos : LMDZ4 (LMDZ4_v5, 96x95x39); ocean : ORCA2 (NEMOV2_3, 2x2L31); seaIce : LIM2 (NEMOV2_3); ocnBgchem : PISCES (NEMOV2_3); land : ORCHIDEE (orchidee_1_9_4_AR5)" ;
:model_id = "IPSL-CM5A-LR" ;
:forcing = "Ant,GHG,SA" ;
:parent_experiment_id = "piControl" ;
:parent_experiment_rip = "r1i1p1" ;
:branch_time = 1850. ;
:contact = "ipsl-cmip5 _at_ Data manager : Sebastien Denvil" ;
:comment = "This 20th century simulation includes only the following Anthropogenic forcing: GHG forcings and SA forcing (anthropogenic sulfate aerosol direct and indirect effects). Ozone, land-use and solar irradiance has been kept to their pre-industrial values." ;
:references = "Model documentation and further reference available here :" ;
:initialization_method = 1 ;
:physics_version = 6 ;
:tracking_id = "1cc29ac9-702d-47aa-94fe-4cf4456bec6c" ;
:product = "output" ;
:experiment = "other historical forcing" ;
:frequency = "3hr" ;
:creation_date = "2012-05-21T13:35:56Z" ;
:history = "2012-05-21T13:35:56Z CMOR rewrote data to comply with CF standards and CMIP5 requirements." ;
:Conventions = "CF-1.4" ;
:project_id = "CMIP5" ;
:table_id = "Table 3hr (31 January 2011) f92c4fdcc9ed1cb63c48f839379e34a5" ;
:title = "IPSL-CM5A-LR model output prepared for CMIP5 other historical forcing" ;
:parent_experiment = "pre-industrial control" ;
:modeling_realm = "land" ;
:realization = 1 ;
:cmor_version = "2.7.1" ;