)" ; :creation_date = "2017-03-09T12:00:00Z" ; :data_structure = "grid" ; :dataset_category = "SSTsAndSeaIce" ; :dataset_version_number = "" ; :frequency = "day" ; :further_info_url = "http://collab.knmi.nl/highresmip" ; :grid = "0.25x0.25 degree latitude x longitude" ; :grid_label = "gn" ; :institution = "Met Office Hadley Centre, Fitzroy Road, Exeter, Devon, EX1 3PB, UK" ; :institution_id = "MOHC" ; :license = "HadISST2.2.0.0 is subject to Crown copyright protection. The material may be downloaded for the purposes of private study and scientific research. Any other proposed use of the material is subject to a copyright licence available from the Met Office. Licences and further information can be obtained from the Met Office IPR Officer, Met Office, FitzRoy Road, Exeter, Devon, EX1 3PB. E-mail: