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Data headers for 'GOME_Evl_ClimateProd_TCWV_v2.2'

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ncdump -h
netcdf GOME_Evl_ClimateProd_TCWV_v2.2_1_11640775039632729894 {
time = 246 ;
lat = 180 ;
lon = 360 ;
short time(time) ;
time:units = "Months since 1995; 1 corresponds to Jan 1995. The climate product starts with 7 (July 1995)." ;
float lat(lat) ;
lat:units = "degrees North" ;
string lat:description = "Center latitude of 1° grid box." ;
float lon(lon) ;
lon:units = "degrees East" ;
string lon:description = "Center longitude of 1° grid box." ;
short year(time) ;
year:units = "Year" ;
year:description = "Year" ;
byte month(time) ;
month:units = "Month" ;
month:description = "Month in year; 1 corresponds to January." ;
float TCWV(time, lat, lon) ;
TCWV:units = "kg m-2" ;
TCWV:description = "Monthly mean TCWV." ;
float TCWV_smooth_ocean(time, lat, lon) ;
TCWV_smooth_ocean:units = "kg m-2" ;
TCWV_smooth_ocean:description = "Monthly mean TCWV spatially smoothed over ocean. See product description for details." ;
float std_TCWV(time, lat, lon) ;
std_TCWV:units = "kg m-2" ;
std_TCWV:longname = "standard_deviation_TCWV" ;
std_TCWV:description = "Monthly standard deviation of TCWV." ;
short cnt(time, lat, lon) ;
cnt:units = "" ;
cnt:longname = "counter" ;
cnt:description = "Number of available days per month with valid TCWV data per grid box. Up to 31 if one instrument is available, and up to twice as large during overlap periods of two instruments." ;

// global attributes:
:_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.17" ;
:description = "GOME-Evolution Total Column Water Vapor (TCWV) climate product" ;
:version = "2.2" ;
:author = "Steffen Beirle" ;
:affiliation = "Max-Planck-Institute for Chemistry, Mainz" ;
:address = "Hahn-Meitner-Weg 1, 55128 Mainz, Germany" ;
:email = "
" ;
:date = "Created on 19 January 2018" ;

group: addons {
byte warning_flag_TCWV(lat, lon) ;
string warning_flag_TCWV:description = "Warning flag for TCWV. Raised if \n- the mean scan angle deviates by more than 5° over land,\n- the mean scan angle deviates by more than 2° over ocean,\n- data is available for less than 50% (GOME1/2) / 30% (SCIAMACHY) of the timeseries.\nBits 1/2/3 represent GOME/SCIAMACHY/GOME-2, respectively.\nI.e., a value of 1 flags GOME, 2 flags SCIAMACHY, and 5 flags both GOME and GOME-2." ;
byte warning_flag_TCWV_smooth_ocean(lat, lon) ;
string warning_flag_TCWV_smooth_ocean:description = "Warning flag for TCWV_smooth_ocean. Raised if \n- the mean scan angle deviates by more than 5° over land, or\n- data is available for less than 50% (GOME1/2) / 30% (SCIAMACHY) of the timeseries.\nBinary coding as for Warning_Flag_TCWV." ;
byte warning_flag_convolution(lat, lon) ;
warning_flag_convolution:description = "Warning flag indicating oceanic regions where edge effects by convolution have to be expected." ;
byte ocean_flag(lat, lon) ;
ocean_flag:description = "Flag indicating oceanic pixels; derived from GTOPO30 as provided by the U.S. Geological Survey." ;
byte contribution_from_SCIA(time) ;
contribution_from_SCIA:description = "Flag indicating to which months the respective satellite instrument is contributing." ;
float mean_scan_angle_SCIA(lat, lon) ;
mean_scan_angle_SCIA:units = "degrees" ;
mean_scan_angle_SCIA:description = "Mean scan angle for the respective satellite instrument and the time range considered in the GOME-Evl climate product. Reasons for deviations from 0 are listed in the product description." ;
byte contribution_from_GOME2(time) ;
contribution_from_GOME2:description = "Flag indicating to which months the respective satellite instrument is contributing." ;
float mean_scan_angle_GOME2(lat, lon) ;
mean_scan_angle_GOME2:units = "degrees" ;
mean_scan_angle_GOME2:description = "Mean scan angle for the respective satellite instrument and the time range considered in the GOME-Evl climate product. Reasons for deviations from 0 are listed in the product description." ;
byte contribution_from_GOME1(time) ;
contribution_from_GOME1:description = "Flag indicating to which months the respective satellite instrument is contributing." ;
float mean_scan_angle_GOME1(lat, lon) ;
mean_scan_angle_GOME1:units = "degrees" ;
mean_scan_angle_GOME1:description = "Mean scan angle for the respective satellite instrument and the time range considered in the GOME-Evl climate product. Reasons for deviations from 0 are listed in the product description." ;
} // group addons