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Data headers for 'GOME_Evl_ClimateProd_TCWV_v2.1'

Generation date
ncdump -h
netcdf GOME_Evl_ClimateProd_TCWV_v2.1_1_279678783692968420 {
time = 246 ;
lat = 180 ;
lon = 360 ;
short time(time) ;
time:units = "Months since 1995; 1 corresponds to Jan 1995" ;
float latitude(lat) ;
latitude:units = "degrees North" ;
string latitude:description = "center latitude of 1° grid box" ;
float longitude(lon) ;
longitude:units = "degrees East" ;
string longitude:description = "center longitude of 1° grid box" ;
short year(time) ;
year:units = "year" ;
byte month(time) ;
month:units = "month; 1 corresponds to January." ;
float TCWV(time, lat, lon) ;
TCWV:units = "kg/m^2" ;
float TCWV_smooth(time, lat, lon) ;
TCWV_smooth:units = "kg/m^2" ;
TCWV_smooth:description = "Monthly mean TCWV spatially smoothed over ocean. See product description for details." ;

// global attributes:
:_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.17" ;
:description = "GOME-Evolution H2O climate product" ;
:version = "2.1" ;
:author = "Steffen Beirle" ;
:address = "Hahn-Meitner-Weg 1, 55128 Mainz, Germany" ;
:email = "
" ;

group: Addons {
byte Contribution_from_SCIA(time) ;
Contribution_from_SCIA:description = "Flag indicating to which months the respective satellite instrument is contributing" ;
float Mean_Scan_Angle_SCIA(lat, lon) ;
Mean_Scan_Angle_SCIA:units = "degree" ;
Mean_Scan_Angle_SCIA:description = "Mean scan angle for the respective satellite instrument and the time range considered in the GOME-Evl climate product. Reasons for deviations from 0 are listed in the product description." ;
byte Contribution_from_GOME1(time) ;
Contribution_from_GOME1:description = "Flag indicating to which months the respective satellite instrument is contributing" ;
float Mean_Scan_Angle_GOME1(lat, lon) ;
Mean_Scan_Angle_GOME1:units = "degree" ;
Mean_Scan_Angle_GOME1:description = "Mean scan angle for the respective satellite instrument and the time range considered in the GOME-Evl climate product. Reasons for deviations from 0 are listed in the product description." ;
byte Contribution_from_GOME2(time) ;
Contribution_from_GOME2:description = "Flag indicating to which months the respective satellite instrument is contributing" ;
float Mean_Scan_Angle_GOME2(lat, lon) ;
Mean_Scan_Angle_GOME2:units = "degree" ;
Mean_Scan_Angle_GOME2:description = "Mean scan angle for the respective satellite instrument and the time range considered in the GOME-Evl climate product. Reasons for deviations from 0 are listed in the product description." ;
byte Warning_Flag(lat, lon) ;
string Warning_Flag:description = "Warning: mean scan angle deviates from zero by more than 5° for at least one instrument" ;
} // group Addons