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Data headers for 'GIGHhxMIXevap511v120517'

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netcdf GIGHhxMIXevap511v120517_1_178455099474300540 {
time = UNLIMITED ; // (84 currently)
lat = 90 ;
lon = 144 ;
bnds = 2 ;
double time(time) ;
time:bounds = "time_bnds" ;
time:units = "days since 2006-1-1" ;
time:calendar = "365_day" ;
time:axis = "T" ;
time:long_name = "time" ;
time:standard_name = "time" ;
double time_bnds(time, bnds) ;
double lat(lat) ;
lat:bounds = "lat_bnds" ;
lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
lat:axis = "Y" ;
lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
double lat_bnds(lat, bnds) ;
double lon(lon) ;
lon:bounds = "lon_bnds" ;
lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
lon:axis = "X" ;
lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
double lon_bnds(lon, bnds) ;
float evap(time, lat, lon) ;
evap:standard_name = "water_evaporation_flux" ;
evap:long_name = "Water Evaporation Flux from Sea Ice" ;
evap:comment = "the average rate that water mass evaporates (or sublimates) from the sea ice surface (i.e., kg/s) divided by the area of the ocean (i.e., open ocean + sea ice) portion of the grid cell. This quantity, multiplied both by the oean area of the grid cell and by the length of the month, should yield the total mass of water evaporated (or sublimated) from the sea ice. Reported as 0.0 in regions free of sea ice. [This was computed differently in CMIP3.]" ;
evap:units = "kg m-2 s-1" ;
evap:original_name = "dummy" ;
evap:cell_methods = "time: mean area: mean where sea_ice over sea" ;
evap:cell_measures = "area: areacello" ;
evap:history = "2012-01-18T20:16:04Z altered by CMOR: replaced missing value flag (-1e+30) with standard missing value (1e+20)." ;
evap:missing_value = 1.e+20f ;
evap:_FillValue = 1.e+20f ;
evap:associated_files = "baseURL: gridspecFile: areacello:" ;

// global attributes:
:institution = "NASA/GISS (Goddard Institute for Space Studies) New York, NY" ;
:institute_id = "NASA-GISS" ;
:experiment_id = "historicalExt" ;
:source = "GISS-E2-H-Eh135f9e Atmosphere: GISS-E2; Ocean: H" ;
:model_id = "GISS-E2-H" ;
:forcing = "GHG, LU, Sl, Vl, BC, OC, SA, Oz (also includes orbital change - BC on snow - Nitrate aerosols)" ;
:parent_experiment_id = "historical" ;
:parent_experiment_rip = "r5i1p1" ;
:branch_time = 2006. ;
:contact = "Kenneth Lo (
)" ;
:references = "" ;
:initialization_method = 1 ;
:physics_version = 1 ;
:tracking_id = "49f675e6-ebfb-47ba-94f5-21c15cb23dc5" ;
:product = "output" ;
:experiment = "historical extension" ;
:frequency = "mon" ;
:creation_date = "2012-01-18T20:16:05Z" ;
:history = "2012-01-18T20:16:05Z CMOR rewrote data to comply with CF standards and CMIP5 requirements." ;
:Conventions = "CF-1.4" ;
:project_id = "CMIP5" ;
:table_id = "Table OImon (31 January 2011) 56afa7f767c87b07293d983b5b52ff24" ;
:title = "GISS-E2-H model output prepared for CMIP5 historical extension" ;
:parent_experiment = "historical" ;
:modeling_realm = "seaIce" ;
:realization = 5 ;
:cmor_version = "2.5.7" ;