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Data headers for 'EUMOGAq2MAA111cliv131115'

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netcdf EUMOGAq2MAA111cliv131115_1_4498707117410512659 {
time = UNLIMITED ; // (119 currently)
lev = 38 ;
lat = 145 ;
lon = 192 ;
bnds = 2 ;
double time(time) ;
time:bounds = "time_bnds" ;
time:units = "days since 1978-09-01" ;
time:calendar = "360_day" ;
time:axis = "T" ;
time:long_name = "time" ;
time:standard_name = "time" ;
double time_bnds(time, bnds) ;
double lev(lev) ;
lev:bounds = "lev_bnds" ;
lev:units = "m" ;
lev:axis = "Z" ;
lev:positive = "up" ;
lev:long_name = "hybrid height coordinate" ;
lev:standard_name = "atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate" ;
lev:formula = "z = a + b*orog" ;
lev:formula_terms = "a: lev b: b orog: orog" ;
double lev_bnds(lev, bnds) ;
lev_bnds:formula = "z = a + b*orog" ;
lev_bnds:standard_name = "atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate" ;
lev_bnds:units = "m" ;
lev_bnds:formula_terms = "a: lev_bnds b: b_bnds orog: orog" ;
double b(lev) ;
b:long_name = "vertical coordinate formula term: b(k)" ;
float orog(lat, lon) ;
orog:standard_name = "surface_altitude" ;
orog:long_name = "Surface Altitude" ;
orog:comment = "height above the geoid; as defined here, \"\"the geoid\"\" is a surface of constant geopotential that, if the ocean were at rest, would coincide with mean sea level. Under this definition, the geoid changes as the mean volume of the ocean changes (e.g., due to glacial melt, or global warming of the ocean). Report here the height above the present-day geoid. Over ocean, report as 0.0" ;
orog:units = "m" ;
double b_bnds(lev, bnds) ;
b_bnds:long_name = "vertical coordinate formula term: b(k+1/2)" ;
double lat(lat) ;
lat:bounds = "lat_bnds" ;
lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
lat:axis = "Y" ;
lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
double lat_bnds(lat, bnds) ;
double lon(lon) ;
lon:bounds = "lon_bnds" ;
lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
lon:axis = "X" ;
lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
double lon_bnds(lon, bnds) ;
float cli(time, lev, lat, lon) ;
cli:standard_name = "mass_fraction_of_cloud_ice_in_air" ;
cli:long_name = "Mass Fraction of Cloud Ice" ;
cli:comment = "Includes both large-scale and convective cloud. This is calculated as the mass of cloud ice in the grid cell divided by the mass of air (including the water in all phases) in the grid cell. It includes precipitating hydrometeors ONLY if the precipitating hydrometeors affect the calculation of radiative transfer in model." ;
cli:units = "1" ;
cli:original_name = "mo: m01s02i309+m01s02i311" ;
cli:cell_methods = "time: mean" ;
cli:cell_measures = "area: areacella" ;
cli:history = "2013-11-11T14:15:49Z altered by CMOR: replaced missing value flag (-1.07374e+09) with standard missing value (1e+20)." ;
cli:missing_value = 1.e+20f ;
cli:_FillValue = 1.e+20f ;
cli:associated_files = "baseURL: gridspecFile: areacella:" ;

// global attributes:
:institution = "Met Office Hadley Centre, Fitzroy Road, Exeter, Devon, EX1 3PB, UK, (" ;
:institute_id = "MOHC" ;
:experiment_id = "aqua4xCO2" ;
:source = "HadGEM2-A (2009) atmosphere: HadGAM2 (N96L38); land-surface/vegetation: MOSES2" ;
:model_id = "HadGEM2-A" ;
:forcing = "GHG, Oz, (GHG = CO2, N2O, CH4, CFCs)" ;
:parent_experiment_id = "aquaControl" ;
:parent_experiment_rip = "r1i1p1" ;
:branch_time = 0. ;
:contact = "
" ;
:history = "MOHC pp to CMOR/NetCDF convertor (version 1.14.0) 2013-11-11T14:15:48Z CMOR rewrote data to comply with CF standards and CMIP5 requirements." ;
:references = "Bellouin N. et al, (2007) Improved representation of aerosols for HadGEM2. Meteorological Office Hadley Centre, Technical Note 73, March 2007; Collins W.J. et al, (2008) Evaluation of the HadGEM2 model. Meteorological Office Hadley Centre, Technical Note 74,; Johns T.C. et al, (2006) The new Hadley Centre climate model HadGEM1: Evaluation of coupled simulations. Journal of Climate, American Meteorological Society, Vol. 19, No. 7, pages 1327-1353.; McLaren A.J. et al, (2006) Evaluation of the sea ice simulation in a new coupled atmosphere-ocean climate model. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 111, C12014, doi:10.1029/2005JC003033.; Martin G.M. et al, (2006) The physical properties of the atmosphere in the new Hadley Centre Global Environmental Model, HadGEM1 - Part 1: Model description and global climatology. Journal of Climate, American Meteorological Society, Vol. 19, No.7, pages 1274-1301." ;
:initialization_method = 1 ;
:physics_version = 1 ;
:tracking_id = "b8ec23d3-f068-437d-9c38-d23f34790e28" ;
:mo_runid = "ajvnd" ;
:product = "output" ;
:experiment = "4xCO2 aqua planet" ;
:frequency = "mon" ;
:creation_date = "2013-11-11T14:15:49Z" ;
:Conventions = "CF-1.4" ;
:project_id = "CMIP5" ;
:table_id = "Table Amon (26 July 2011) 976b7fd1d9e1be31dddd28f5dc79b7a1" ;
:title = "HadGEM2-A model output prepared for CMIP5 4xCO2 aqua planet" ;
:parent_experiment = "aqua planet control" ;
:modeling_realm = "atmos" ;
:realization = 1 ;
:cmor_version = "2.9.0" ;