netcdf CatOfLambWTyRSetAndGaleDays1948_1_6703506024149267835 {
time = UNLIMITED ; // (366 currently)
bnds = 2 ;
float time(time) ;
time:standard_name = "time" ;
time:long_name = "Time" ;
time:bounds = "time_bnds" ;
time:units = "days since 1900-01-01 00:00:00" ;
time:calendar = "standard" ;
time:axis = "T" ;
double time_bnds(time, bnds) ;
short lambwt(time) ;
lambwt:long_name = "lamb weather type" ;
lambwt:units = "1" ;
lambwt:flag_meanings = "NE SE SW NW A C" ;
lambwt:flag_values = 45s, 135s, 225s, 315s, -1s, 1s ;
lambwt:cell_methods = "time: mean" ;
short rotation(time) ;
rotation:long_name = "rotation type" ;
rotation:units = "1" ;
rotation:flag_meanings = "A C" ;
rotation:flag_values = -1s, 1s ;
rotation:cell_methods = "time: mean" ;
short winddir(time) ;
winddir:standard_name = "wind_from_direction" ;
winddir:long_name = "wind direction" ;
winddir:units = "degree" ;
winddir:flag_meanings = "NE SE SW NW" ;
winddir:flag_values = 45s, 135s, 225s, 315s ;
winddir:cell_methods = "time: mean" ;
short galesev(time) ;
galesev:long_name = "gale severity" ;
galesev:units = "1" ;
galesev:flag_meanings = "NUL G SG VSG" ;
galesev:flag_values = 0s, 1s, 2s, 3s ;
galesev:cell_methods = "time: mean" ;
// global attributes:
:source = "Weather-type and gale classification have been performed by BSH on NCEP/NCAR reanalysis 1 daily mean sea level pressure data provided by the NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory, Boulder, Colorado, USA, and accessed from their website at, specifically, YYYY=1948,1949,..." ;
:institution = "Bundesamt fuer Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie, Hamburg, Germany" ;
:Conventions = "CF-1.8 ATMODAT-3.0" ;
:comment = "An ascii version of this dataset that is continuously updated is available at the BSH homepage" ;
:contact = " ; " ;
:creation_date = "2022-02-07T17:30:36" ;
:creator = "Peter Loewe ;" ;
:featureType = "timeSeries" ;
:frequency = "day" ;
:metadata_link = "" ;
:geospatial_lat_resolution = "point" ;
:geospatial_lon_resolution = "point" ;
:geospatial_vertical_resolution = "point" ;
:history = "creation_date: conversion to netCDF and addition of metadata with; \n09 Sep 2021: Raw ASCII output data created with by BSH lwtnssim.f" ;
:institution_id = "" ;
:keywords = "Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Pressure > Sea Level Pressure, Lamb Weather Type, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Weather Events > Wind Storms > Gale, North Sea, NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis, ATMODAT" ;
:keywords_vocabulary = "GCMD, None, GCMD, geonames, None, None" ;
:license = "CC BY 4.0" ;
:product_version = "1.0" ;
:realm = "atmos" ;
:references = "Jenkinson und Collison (1977), Synoptic Climatology Branch Memorandum, No. 62, 18pp., UK Met Office ; \nKalnay et al. (1996),<0437:TNYRP>2.0.CO;2 ; \nLoewe et al. (2005), ISSN: 0946-6010 ( ;\nLoewe et al. (2006), ISSN: 0946-6010 ( ; \nLoewe et al. (2013), ISSN: 0946-6010 (" ;
:standard_name_vocabulary = "CF Standard Name Table v78" ;
:summary = "Sea level pressure is a fundamental weather and climate element and the very basis of everyday weather maps. Daily sea level pressure distributions provide information on the influence of high and low pressure systems, air flow, weather activity, and, hence, synoptic conditions. \n\nUsing sea level pressure distributions from the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis 1 (Kalnay et al., 1996) and a simplified variant of the weather-typing scheme by Jenkinson and Collison (1977) atmospheric circulation over the North Sea has been classified as to pattern and intensity on a daily basis starting in 1948. A full account of the original weather-typing scheme can be found in Loewe et al. (2005), while the variant scheme has been detailed in Loewe et al. (2006). The analysis has been carried out on the original 16-point grid. Though formally valid at its central point (55°N, 5°E), results are representative of the North Sea region between 50°N-60°N and 0°E-10°E. \n\nThe modified scheme allows for six weather types, namely four directional (NE=Northeast, SE, SW, NW) and two rotational types (C=cyclonic and A=anticyclonic). The strength of the atmospheric circulation is classified by way of a peak-over-threshold technique, employing re-calibrated thresholds for the gale index G* of 28.3, 36.6, and 44.6 hPa for gale (G), severe gale (SG), and very severe gale (VSG), respectively (Loewe et al., 2013). Technically, the set of weather-typing and gale-classification rules is implemented as a lean FORTRAN code (lwtnssim.f), internally known as \"Simple Lamb weather-typing scheme for the North Sea v1\". \n\nBoth, weather types and gale days, form a catalogue of more than 70 annual calendars since 1948 that is presented and continuously updated to the present day at This catalogue concisely documents synoptic conditions in the North Sea region. Possible benefits are manifold. Special events and episodes in regional-scale atmospheric circulation are easily looked up and traced. Beyond that, the dataset is well suited for frequency, trend, persistence, transition, and extreme-value statistics. " ;
:title = "Lamb weather types (reduced set) and gale days over the North Sea since 1948 based on NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis 1 daily mean sea level pressure fields." ;
:geospatial_lat_units = "degree_north" ;
:geospatial_lon_units = "degree_east" ;
:geospatial_bounds = "POLYGON ((0 60, 0 55, 0 50, 10 50, 10 55, 10 60, 0 60))" ;
:geospatial_bounds_crs = "EPSG:4326" ;
:publisher_name = "World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ" ;
:publisher_url = "" ;