netcdf CXEU44UCEEev011001WI1Dtasmax_1_6244330084065445778 {
rlat = 103 ;
rlon = 106 ;
time = UNLIMITED ; // (731 currently)
bnds = 2 ;
rloncoord = 106 ;
rlatcoord = 103 ;
double lat(rlat, rlon) ;
lat:long_name = "Latitudes" ;
lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
double lon(rlat, rlon) ;
lon:long_name = "Longitude" ;
lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
double height ;
height:axis = "Z" ;
height:long_name = "height above the ground" ;
height:positive = "up" ;
height:standard_name = "height" ;
height:units = "m" ;
double time(time) ;
time:standard_name = "time" ;
time:long_name = "time" ;
time:units = "days since 1949-12-01 00:00:00" ;
time:calendar = "standard" ;
time:bounds = "time_bnds" ;
time:axis = "T" ;
float tasmax(time, rlat, rlon) ;
tasmax:standard_name = "air_temperature" ;
tasmax:units = "K" ;
tasmax:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
tasmax:long_name = "Daily Maximum Near-Surface Temperature" ;
tasmax:cell_methods = "time:maximum" ;
tasmax:missing_value = 1.e+20f ;
tasmax:grid_mapping = "rotated_pole" ;
tasmax:_FillValue = 1.e+20f ;
double time_bnds(time, bnds) ;
char Rotated_Pole ;
Rotated_Pole:grid_mapping_name = "rotated_latitude_longitude" ;
Rotated_Pole:grid_north_pole_latitude = "39.25" ;
Rotated_Pole:grid_north_pole_longitude = "-162.00" ;
double rlon(rloncoord) ;
rlon:long_name = "longitude in rotated pole grid" ;
rlon:units = "degrees" ;
rlon:standard_name = "grid_longitude" ;
rlon:axis = "X" ;
double rlat(rlatcoord) ;
rlat:long_name = "latitude in rotated pole grid" ;
rlat:units = "degrees" ;
rlat:standard_name = "grid_latitude" ;
rlat:axis = "Y" ;
// global attributes:
:SWPP_SHIFTTIME = "shift: 0, left: 0.5, right: 0.5" ;
:creation_date = "2016-05-09-T19:44:37Z" ;
:Conventions = "CF-1.4" ;
:title = "CORDEX Europe ERA-Interim Run" ;
:contact = "" ;
:experiment = "Evaluation run with reanalysis forcing" ;
:experiment_id = "evaluation" ;
:driving_experiment = "ECMWF-ERAINT,evaluation,r1i1p1" ;
:driving_experiment_name = "evaluation" ;
:driving_model_id = "ECMWF-ERAINT" ;
:driving_model_ensemble_member = "r1i1p1" ;
:frequency = "day" ;
:institution = "Universidad de Cantabria (Spain)" ;
:institute_id = "UCAN" ;
:model_id = "UCAN-WRF341I" ;
:rcm_version_id = "v1" ;
:project_id = "CORDEX" ;
:CORDEX_domain = "EUR-44" ;
:product = "output" ;
:references = "" ;
:ucan_run_id = "EUR_ERAInt_WRF3.4.1" ;