" ; :comment = " Used level closest to surface " ; :parent_variant_label = "r1i1p1f1" ; :variable_id = "tos" ; :sub_experiment = "none" ; :sub_experiment_id = "none" ; :variant_info = "1850 equiv CO2 and aerosol forcing " ; :title = "UArizona MCM-UA-1-0 piControl " ; :product = "model-output" ; :institution = "Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA" ; :license = "CMIP6 model data produced by the U of Arizona is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-[*]ShareAlike 4.0 International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/). Consult https://pcmdi.llnl.gov/CMIP6/TermsOfUse for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file). The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law." ; }