GOP7: Satellite data.

Crewell, Susanne

Meteosat Second Generation (MSG), MODIS and MERIS observations will by available by
implementing a near real time (NRT) processing. This will provide an excellent overview of
the current weather situation, on a larger scale and for the GOP and COPS area. The information is
online ( with a delay of 2 hours. The SEVIRI instrument on MSG
with its 11 spectral channels from 0.6 to 14 micrometer will be the prime instrument. The calibrated satellite data are processed automatically to provide higher-order, level 2 products, such as
water vapor and cloud top pressure. SEVIRI products will be adopted to monitor atmospheric
products at meteorological stations within the LMK domain, e.g. Cabauw and Lindenberg, but
also at COPS experimental sites, MAP stations and Berlin. In addition to the production of time
series, averages of selected regions will be compared to LMK output on a regular, operational
basis. Depending on the status of the upcoming satellites CLOUDSAT, CALIPSO, and METOP 1,
other satellites might be utilized for validation purposes. Special observations with high resolution about stability indices will be available through EUMETSAT.
GOP (General Observation Period of Priority Programm on Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting)
GOP region
Spatial Coverage
Longitude 5.86 to 15.04 Latitude 47.28 to 55.06 Altitude: 0 m relativ to NN
Temporal Coverage
2007-01-01 to 2007-12-31 (calendrical)
Use constraints
For scientific use only
Data Catalog
World Data Center for Climate
134.53 GiB (144452923607 Byte)
netCDF.gz, tar-File(s)
metadata only
Creation Date
Cite as
Crewell, Susanne (2011). GOP7: Satellite data. World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ.

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[Entry acronym: gop7] [Entry id: 2211143]