lami28 stands for 'Limited Area Model Italy' which is the Italian implementation of COSMO Model, run with a 2.8 km grid interval. COSMO model in lami28 suite is run operationally once a day with a 2.8 km grid interval; it is initialised at 00 UTC with the lami7 interpolated analysis; the boundary conditions as well are provided by lami7 model; the integration domain ranges approximately from 6°E to 19°E and from 36°N to 48°N and the integration time range is 48 hours. The model is run at Cineca computing centre ( on an IBM Power5 platform.
The PICS datasets was not provided due to computer time constraints.
Please note: data are available ONLY from 09/10/2007 to 30/11/2007.
Grid description:
DDOM: xfirst: -3.5 yfirst: -15.425 xsize: 417.0 ysize: 272.0 xinc: 0.025 yinc: 0.025 xnpole: 32.5 ynpole: -170.0
Cesari, Davide (2009). dphase_lami28: Limited Area Model Italy forecasts (COSMO model, 2.8 km) run by ARPA-SIM for the MAP D-PHASE project. World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ.
According to agreements within DPHASE data from timesteps not delivered in time could be missing. In this case a dummy file was created and inserted i...
According to agreements within DPHASE data from timesteps not delivered in time could be missing. In this case a dummy file was created and inserted in the database.
F-UJI result: total 62 %
Summary: Findable: 6 of 7 level; Accessible: 2 of 3 level; Interoperable: 3 of 4 level; Reusable: 4 of 10 level
Quality control:
- control of 'CERA UI Compact' metadata by author
- control of file transfer with check sum
- check of start and end date with (APR 2009)
- check of number of data points with (APR 2009)
- check continous time with cera_check.check_continuous_time.CHECK_EXPERIMENT (APR 2009)