Grib file containing surface fields related to the 10-km QBOLAM model (operational at the Italian Environment Agency, Rome, Italy). The file contains the following fields, for 48h forecast with a time step of 1h:
- Pressure at mean sea level (Pa)
- Pressure at the surface (Pa)
- 2m specific humidity (kg/kg)
- 10m U-velocity (m/s)
- 10m V-velocity (m/s)
- Total column water vapour (or precipitable water) (kg/m**2)
- Total cloud cover (%)
- Cloud cover, low (%) (800 hPa - surface)
- Cloud cover, middle (%) (400 hPa - 800 hPa)
- Cloud cover, high (%) (0 hPa - 400 hPa)
- Surface latent heat flux (W/m**2)
- Surface sensible heat flux (W/m**2)
- Snow depth (m)
- Soil moisture (two layers) (kg/m**2)
- Soil temperature (two layers) (K)
- Convective available potential energy (J/kg)