The model domain (ISACMOL and ISACMOL2) is smaller than official DDOM.
Approximately: 43.5N - 49.2N; 5E - 15E
The fields were provided with the required output frequency.
Note: Download grib1 files are zipped with bz2.
The following fields are provided in this data set:
Pressure at msl, pressure at the sfc,
2m specific humidity,
10m U-vel, 10m V-vel,
Precipitation grid scale: rain,
precipitation grid scale: snow (computed as Total prec - rain),
total cloud cover, cloud cover low, middle and high,
skin temperature,
snow depth,
soil moisture (4 levels), soil temperature (4 levels),
The following fields requested in MAP D-DPHASE Implementation Plan (see entry "dphase_implementation_plan_info") are not provided in this data set:
2m min T
2m max T
10m wind gust
Precipitation: grid-scale only, graupel
Precipitation: grid-scale only, hail
Precipitation: convective, rain
Precipitation: convective, snow
Precipitation: convective, graupel
Precipitation: convective, hail
Total precipitation rate
Precipitation rate: grid-scale only, rain
Precipitation rate: grid-scale only, snow
Precipitation rate: grid-scale only, graupel
Precipitation rate: grid-scale only, hail
Total column water (non-precip. water)
Total column water vapour (or precip. water)
Total column cloud water (or cloud water)
Total column cloud ice (or cloud ice)
Cloud bottom height
Cloud top height
Convective cloud bottom height
Convective cloud top height
Surface latent heat flux
Surface sensible heat flux
Surface solar net radiation
Surface longwave net radiation
TOA shortwave net radiation
TOA longwave net radiation
Sunshine duration
Boundary layer top height
Height of 0C isothermal amsl
Snow fall limit
Leaf area index
Root depth