Model configuration for this member is: HGM. The 20 members are labeled with abbreviations, which denote the combination between limited area model (LAM)(first character) and global model condition (the next two characters): LAMs: H means HRM, I means HIRLAM, M means MM5, L means Lokal Model (COSMO) and U means Unified Model. GLOBAL CONDITIONS: AV means GFS (AVN), EC means ECMWF, GM means GME, UK means UKMO This results in the following combinations: HAV,HEC,HGM,HUK,IAV,IEC,IGM,IUK,MAV,MEC,MGM,MUK,LAV,LEC,LGM,LUK,UAV,UEC,UGM,UUK.
Forecasts from HH+00h upto HH+72 h with 6 hourly forecast output.
Note: Only the following variables are stored for the ensemble members:
Mean sea level pressure Surface
Total precipitation Surface
Stratiform precipitation Surface
Convective precipitation Surface
Total snow precipitation Surface
Stratiform snow precipitation Surface
Convective snow precipitation Surface
Temperature 2m and 500, 850 hPa
U wind component 10m and 300, 500, 700, 850 hPa
V wind component 10m and 300, 500, 700, 850 hPa