Grib file containing surface fields related to the 10-km QBOLAM model (operational at the Italian Environment Agency, Rome, Italy). The file contains the following fields, for 48h forecast only with a time step of 1h: - Pressure at mean sea level and at the surface (Pa) - 2m specific humidity (kg/kg) - 10m U-and V-velocity (m/s) - Total column water vapour (or precipitable water) (kg/m**2) - Total cloud cover (%) - Cloud cover: low (%) (800 hPa - surface); middle (%) (400 hPa - 800 hPa); high (%) (0 hPa - 400 hPa) - Surface latent and sensible heat flux (W/m**2) - Snow depth (m) - Soil moisture (two layers) (kg/m**2) - Soil temperature (two layers) (K) - Convective available potential energy (J/kg) The following fields requested in MAP D-DPHASE Implementation Plan (see entry "dphase_implementation_plan_info") are not provided in this data set: * 2m min and max temperature (K) * 10m wind gust (m/s) * Precip grid-scale only: rain (kg/m2); snow (kg/m2); graupel (kg/m2); hail (kg/m2) * Precip convective: rain (kg/m2); snow (kg/m2); graupel (kg/m2); hail (kg/m2) * Total precip rate (all types) (kg/s/m2) * Precip rate grid-scale only. rain (kg/s/m2);snow (kg/s/m2); graupel (kg/s/m2); hail (kg/s/m2) * Total column water (non-precipitable water) (kg/m2) * Total column cloud water (or cloud water) (kg/m2) * Total column cloud ice (or cloud ice) (kg/m2) * Cloud bottom and top height (m) * Convective cloud top and bottom height (m) * Surface solar net and longwave net radiation (W/m2) * TOA shortwave net and longwave net radiation (W/m2) * Sunshine duration (s) * Skin temperature (K) * Boundary layer top height (m) * Convective Inhibition (J/kg) * Height of 0C isothermal amsl (m) * Snow fail limit (m) * Leaf area index * Root depth (m)
Longitude 6
to 11
Latitude 47
to 50
Altitude: 0 m relativ to NN
Temporal Coverage
to 2007-08-31
Use constraints
For scientific use only. No commercial use allowed.
Please be aware of the common COPS/GOP/D-PHASE data policy (
Data Catalog
World Data Center for Climate
Access constraints
registered users
181.63 MiB (190447773 Byte)
GRIB1; records separated
completely archived
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[ Derived from parent entry - See data hierarchy tab ]
Mariani, Stefano; Casaioli, Marco; Lanciani, Alexandre (2009). dphase_qbolam11: QBOLAM meteorological model (10km) run by APAT for the MAP D-PHASE project. World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ.