cops_supv_rlidar_wvmpro_d: Water vapor mixing ratio profiles from the IGN-SA Raman lidar on COPS Supersite V
Bosser, Pierre; Flamant, Cyrille
The Raman lidar developed conjointly between LOEMI (IGN) and SA (CNRS) has been deployed on the Vosges Site of the COPS campaign. This instrument measures water vapor profiles in the lower troposphere, mainly during nighttime in a zenithal direction. It has been operating during the whole month of July 2007(2007/07/01 - 2007/08/01), for about 200 h in 25 measurement sessions. The measurements are made with a temporal resolution varying between 5 min-30 min and a range resolution between 15 m and 300 m, up to 6-7 km. During daytime the accuracy is much reduced and mainly limited by diffuse solar irradiance though narrow (0.4 nm) interference filters are used since recently. The measurement range is between 1 and 2 km at day/night transition, and drops to a few hundred meters at midday with a temporal resolution from 10 min to 40 min.