cops_supv_mfuhfw: wind profiles from UHF run by Meteo-France/CNRM during COPS 2007

Lavie, Franck; Garrouste, Olivier; Bouttier, Francois

Dataset Group
Wind profiles from UHF in high and low mode run by Meteo-France/CNRM at COPS-Supersite Vosges Mountains.

The period of permanent measurement was : 1st July - 31 July 2007.
The measured parameters are : height, eastward and northward wind, upward air velocity,wind speed and direction, signal to noise ratio. The operation was continuous, with a daily check.

The measurements were taken near the village of Meistratzheim, 20 km south_westward of Strasbourg.
The platform on the site of Niederrott is installed just between 2 types of vegetation: Maize on the west and short grass on the east part.

The UHF wind profiler is composed of five beams, one pointing vertically and others, with a zenital angle of 17° and orientated along the West, East, North and South.
The wind component along each beam direction is deduced from the Doppler shift of the backscattered signal. The three wind component (N, E and vertical) are thus deduced from the redundant five radial velocities, with the assumption that the horizontal gradient of the wind is weak in the volume scanned by the radar. The range of altitudes covered by the instrument is variable, depending on atmospheric conditions and electronic parameters. The time resolution of the profilers is 6 mn.

In high mode the profile of the horizontal wind is valid between 150 and 13500m with a resolution of 350m and 150m between each gate. In low mode the profile of the horizontal wind is valid between 75 and 6300m with a resolution of 150m and 75m between each gate.
COPS (Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study)
COPS measurement region
COPS region (CDOM)
Additional Information
Spatial Coverage
Longitude -10 to 10 Latitude 36 to 50 Altitude: 0 undefined_source_alt
Temporal Coverage
2007-06-01 to 2007-08-31 (calendrical)
Use constraints
For scientific use only. No commercial use allowed. Please be aware of the common COPS/GOP/D-PHASE data policy (
Data Catalog
World Data Center for Climate
78.28 MiB (82081004 Byte)
metadata only
Creation Date
Cite as
Lavie, Franck; Garrouste, Olivier; Bouttier, Francois (2009). cops_supv_mfuhfw: wind profiles from UHF run by Meteo-France/CNRM during COPS 2007. World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ.

Contact typePersonORCIDOrganization

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[1] DOI Wulfmeyer, V.; Flamant, C.; Behrendt, A.; Blyth, A.; Brown, A.; Dorninger, M.; Illingworth, A.; Mascart, P.; Montani, A.; Weckwerth, T. (2011). Advances in the understanding of convective processes and precipitation over low-mountain regions through the Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study (COPS). doi:10.1002/qj.799
[2] DOI Wulfmeyer, V.; Flamant, C.; Behrendt, A.; Blyth, A.; Brown, A.; Dorninger, M.; Illingworth, A.; Mascart, P.; Montani, A.; Weckwerth, T (Eds.). (2011). Special Issue: Advances in the understanding of convective processes and precipitation over low-mountain regions through the Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study (COPS). doi:10.1002/qj.v137.1s


cops_supv: contains data at Supersite Vosges Mountains during COPS Campaign

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[Entry acronym: cops_supv_mfuhfw] [Entry id: 2230089]