Instrument: BASIL - Univ. of BASILicata Raman Lidar
Location: Supersite R Achern (Rhine Valley, Lat: 48.64 deg N, Long: 8.06 deg E, Elev.: 140 m)
Measured parameters: water vapour mixing ratio
Measurement quality:
Measurements are provided in netCDF format in terms of profiles, with a vertical step of 30 m and a time step of 1 min.
Vertical resolution is: 150 m for water vapour mixing ratio
For a time resolution of 1 min and a vertical resolution of 150 m, typical random error at 2 km altitude for day-time measurements is: 10% for water vapor mixing ratio, while for night-time measurements is: 5% for water vapor mixing ratio.
Based on 1 min integration time, range for day-time measurements is:
0 km lt z lt 5 km for water vapour mixing ratio,
while for night-time measurements is:
0 km lt z lt 12 km for water vapour mixing ratio.
The download tarfiles may contain one or more netCDF-files.