cops_suph_wvdial_abshum_p: pictures of absolute humidity profiles from UHOH DIAL (Data Release 2)
Absolute humidity and backscatter data of the water vapor differential absorption lidar (DIAL) of University of Hohenheim (UHOH) at COPS-Supersite Hornisgrinde. Absolute humidity: profiles in vertical pointing mode in g/m**-3. The temporal resolution of the data is 10 s, the spatial resolution is 15 m with a 150 m broad triangular weighting function. Range-corrected backscatter profiles (P_offline*r**2, at 820 nm) in vertical pointing mode in arbitrary units. These data show clouds and aerosols. The temporal resolution of the data is 10 s and the spatial resolution is 15 m. Please see pdf supplementary for details on data availability and quality.