cops_suph_mwrad: data from MP3014-radiometer run by CNR-IMAA during COPS 2007

Madonna, Fabio

Dataset Group
Integrated water vapor (IWV) and liquid water path (LWP), zenith brightness temperatures and thermodynamic profiles from Radiometrics Microwave Profiler 3014 at COPS-Supersite Hornisgrinde.
Quality controlled integrated water vapor (IWV) and liquid water path (LWP) derived from frequencies 22.235, 23.035, 23.835, 26.235, 30.000 GHz via linear regression. Regression coefficients based on 15 year Payerne (491 m NN) radiosonde climatology.

Quality controlled zenith brightness temperatures for 12 frequencies at 22.235, 23.035, 23.835, 26.235,30.000, 51.250, 52.280, 53.850, 54.940, 56.660, 57.290 and 58.800 GHz. Broadband infrared brightness temperature at 9.6-11.7 microns at a fixed elevation angle.

Quality controlled temperature and humidity profiles derived from frequencies 22.235, 23.035, 23.835, 26.235, 30.000, 51.250, 52.280, 53.850, 54.940, 56.660, 57.290 and 58.800 GHz via linear regression. Regression coefficients based on 15 year Payerne (491 m NN) radiosonde climatology.
COPS (Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study)
COPS measurement region
COPS region (CDOM)
Additional Information
cops_suph_cradar_info_1: pdf-file with measurement/scan modi info for suph_cradar and suph_dlidar data.
cops_suph_rlidar_info_1: pdf-file with operation details of the rotational Raman lidar run by UHOH
Spatial Coverage
Longitude -10 to 10 Latitude 36 to 50 Altitude: 0 undefined_source_alt
Temporal Coverage
2007-06-01 to 2007-08-31 (calendrical)
Use constraints
For scientific use only. No commercial use allowed. Please be aware of the common COPS/GOP/D-PHASE data policy (
Data Catalog
World Data Center for Climate
157.54 MiB (165190671 Byte)
metadata only
Creation Date
Cite as
Madonna, Fabio (2009). cops_suph_mwrad: data from MP3014-radiometer run by CNR-IMAA during COPS 2007. World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ.

Contact typePersonORCIDOrganization

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[1] DOI Wulfmeyer, V.; Flamant, C.; Behrendt, A.; Blyth, A.; Brown, A.; Dorninger, M.; Illingworth, A.; Mascart, P.; Montani, A.; Weckwerth, T. (2011). Advances in the understanding of convective processes and precipitation over low-mountain regions through the Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study (COPS). doi:10.1002/qj.799
[2] DOI Wulfmeyer, V.; Flamant, C.; Behrendt, A.; Blyth, A.; Brown, A.; Dorninger, M.; Illingworth, A.; Mascart, P.; Montani, A.; Weckwerth, T (Eds.). (2011). Special Issue: Advances in the understanding of convective processes and precipitation over low-mountain regions through the Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study (COPS). doi:10.1002/qj.v137.1s


cops_suph: contains data at Supersite Hornisgrinde during COPS Campaign

Attached Datasets ( 3 )

Details for selected entry
[Entry acronym: cops_suph_mwrad] [Entry id: 2230075]