cops_nebt_ubt2t_flux_d: Modified Bowen ratio data of the energy balance network (NEBT) operating during COPS 2007: station UBT2T (Fussbach II)

Eigenmann, Rafael; Foken, Thomas

The modified Bowen ratio system at the station UBT2T near Fussbach was equipped with a USA-1 (METEK GmbH, Germany) sonic anemometer and two psychrometers (Frankenberger) above the target land use type acre/fallow in order to provide a complete time series of the turbulent fluxes of momentum, sensible and latent heat. The sampling frequency was 10 Hz. On the one hand, post-processing was performed using the software package TK2 (developed by the Department of Micrometeorology, University of Bayreuth) which produces quality assured turbulent flux data of momentum and sensible heat with an averaging interval of 30 min. The documentation and instruction manual of TK2 (see entry cops_nebt_ubt_info_1) and additional references about the applied flux corrections and post-field data quality control (see entry cops_nebt_ubt_info_2) as well as a document about the general handling of the flux data can be found in supplementary pdf-files within the energy balance and turbulence network (NEBT) experiment of the data base. On the other hand, the latent heat flux was calculated according to the Bowen ratio method (Liu and Foken, 2001). Additionally, all flux data were checked for an impact of possible internal boundary layers and the flux contribution from the target land use type intended to be observed to the total flux measured was calculated applying footprint modeling. Information and references about the internal boundary layer evaluation procedure and the footprint analysis are also given in the additional pdf-files. Pictures of the footprint climatology of the station as related to the land use and to the spatial distribution of the quality flags are included in a supplementary pdf-file (see cops_nebt_ubt2t_info_1).

Liu, H. and Foken, T., 2001. A modified Bowen ratio method to determine sensible and latent heat fluxes. Meteorol. Z., 10: 71-80.
COPS (Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study)
Black Forest, Kinzig Valley, Fussbach (ubt2t), Germany
Additional Information
cops_nebt_ubt_info_1: pdf-file with manual of software package TK2 provided by Uni Bayreuth
cops_nebt_ubt4etg_info_1: pdf-file with foot print climatology at station UBT4ETG (Hagenbuch)
cops_nebt__ubt3etg_info_1: pdf-file with foot print climatology at station UBT3ETG (Fischerbach)
cops_nebt_ubt1etg_info_1: pdf-file with foot print climatology at station UBT1ETG (Fussbach I)
cops_nebt_ubt2t_info_1: pdf-file with foot print climatology at station UBT2T (Fussbach II)
cops_nebt_mf1etg_info_1: pdf-file with foot print climatology at station MF1ETG (Niederrott)
cops_nebt_imk1etg_info_1: pdf-file with foot print climatology at station IMK1ETG (Hornisgrinde)
cops_nebt_ubn1etg_info_1: pdf-file with foot print climatology at station UBN1ETG (Deckenpfronn)
cops_nebt_imk7t_info_1: pdf-file with foot print climatology at station IMK7T (Igelsberg)
cops_nebt_imk2etg_info_1: pdf-file with foot print climatology at station IMK2ETG (Baden Airpark)
cops_nebt_imk5t_info_1: pdf-file with foot print climatology at station IMK5T (Oberkirch)
cops_nebt_ubt_info_2: pdf-file with information on quality control performed by Uni Bayreuth
cops_nebt_imk4t_info_1: pdf-file with foot print climatology at station IMK4T (Sasbach)
cops_nebt_mf2etg_info_1: pdf-file with foot print climatology at station MF2ETG (Nordfeld)
cops_nebt_imk3etg_info_1: pdf-file with foot print climatology at station IMK3ETG (Linkenheim)
cops_nebt_imk8t_info_1: pdf-file with foot print climatology at station IMK8T (Burnhaupt le Bas)
cops_nebt_imk6t_info_1: pdf-file with foot print climatology at station IMK6T (Bad Rotenfels)
Spatial Coverage
Longitude 8.02 Latitude 48.37 Altitude: 180 m relativ to NN
Temporal Coverage
2007-06-01 to 2007-08-31 (calendrical)
Use constraints
For scientific use only. No commercial use allowed. Please be aware of the common COPS/GOP/D-PHASE data policy (
Data Catalog
World Data Center for Climate
Access constraints
Authorized Persons
1013.23 KiB (1037548 Byte)
completely archived
Creation Date
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Cite as
[ Derived from parent entry - See data hierarchy tab ]
Eigenmann, Rafael; Foken, Thomas (2012). cops_nebt_ubt_flux: Eddy-covariance turbulence data from COPS energy balance and turbulence network stations run by University of Bayreuth during COPS 2007. World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ.

Measurement data are only available at the beginning of the measurement period until 2007-06-29 and from 2007-07-27 on. Between these two dates, data had to be rejected due to massive invasion of the fast growing topinambur from the neighboring field. Furthermore, no data exist from 2007-06-03 until 2007-06-16 and on 2007-08-10, 2007-08-15 and 2007-08-19 due to measuring device failure. Data availability of the latent heat flux is additionally reduced due to quality check failures and due to often not adequately moistened wet thermometers of the psychrometers thus not allowing for the calculation of a water vapor pressure gradient according to the Sprungs psychrometric formula.
30min meandegC
30min meandegC
30min mean1
30min meanm
30min meanm
30min meanm s-1
30min meanm
not filleddegree_north
not filleddegree_east
30min meandegC
30min meannone
30min meannone
30min meannone
not filledm
30min meanW m-2
30min meanW m-2
30min mean0.01
upward_air_velocity (variance)CF
30min meanm2 s-2
30min meandegC2
30min meanhPa
30min meanhPa
30min meandegree
30min meanm s-1
x_wind (variance)CF
30min meanm2 s-2
y_wind (variance)CF
30min meanm2 s-2
Contact typePersonORCIDOrganization


cops_nebt: contains data from Energy Balance and TurbulenceNetwork during COPS Campaign
[Entry acronym: cops_nebt_ubt2t_flux_d] [Entry id: 2190669]